March 14, 2020

Poplar Bluff High School recently released the Students of the Month for February.

Left to right: front row, Nevaeh Larkins, Ella Zgaynor, Alexis Richardson and Abby Turner; back row, Dawson Parker, Hayden Pinderski, Marcus McFarland and Ethan Micah Tucker.
Left to right: front row, Nevaeh Larkins, Ella Zgaynor, Alexis Richardson and Abby Turner; back row, Dawson Parker, Hayden Pinderski, Marcus McFarland and Ethan Micah Tucker.Photo provided

Poplar Bluff High School recently released the Students of the Month for February.

Nevaeh Larkins


Parents’ Names: Bob and Jennifer Larkins

Hobbies: Drawing, Dancing, Singing, Playing Soccer and Basketball, Painting

Community Service (Volunteer): Active in church youth group

High School Involvement: Soccer, Basketball, Band, Jazz Band

College/Technical Plans: United States Naval Academy

Career Plans: Active in the Navy, afterwards a youth pastor.

Dawson Parker


Parents’ Names: Sloan and Erin Parker

Hobbies: Playing drums

Community Service (Volunteer): Bluff First Youth, Bluff First Music Team

High School Involvement: (Concert/Marching) Band, Beta, Academic Team

College/Technical Plans: Undecided

Career Plans: Healthcare Administration Dawson Parker

Ella Zgaynor


Parents’ Names: Michelle and Michael Zgaynor

Hobbies: Spending time with family and friends; Outdoor activities

Community Service (Volunteer): Service within my church and school clubs

High School Involvement: Softball and Soccer teams; Active member of the following clubs: Stand for the Silent, FBLA, Beta, P7, and Mule Barn.

College/Technical Plans: Would like to pursue higher education and collegiate softball at a yet to be determined college

Career Plans: Career within the medical realm; possible interest in podiatry

Hayden Pinderski


Name: Hayden Pinderski

Parents’ Names: Chris Pinderski and Carrie Carda

Hobbies: Soccer, playing the piano, hanging with family

Community Service (Volunteer): Occasional Bread Shed assistant, visit schools to read and play with the students

High School Involvement: Soccer, Stand For The Silent

College/Technical Plans: Go to vet school

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Career Plans: Become a vet and start a practice

Alexis Richardson


Name: Alexis Richardson

Parents’ Names: Jamie Johnson and Christopher Richardson

Hobbies: I enjoy playing sports and running, as well as hanging out with my friends.

Community Service (Volunteer): N/A

High School Involvement: I run cross country and track and play basketball. I am also involved in Key Club and Mule Barn.

College/Technical Plans: I plan to graduate with my AA from TRC at the same time I graduate from PBHS. I then plan to pursue my bachelor’s degree at a school in Florida.

Career Plans: I plan to be a NICU Nurse, in thoughts of working my way up to a NICU doctor.

Marcus McFarland


Parents’ Names: Denise Harley and Tronzel Mitchell

Hobbies: Workout, Games, sports

Community Service (Volunteer): None

High School Involvement: Football, Track

College/Technical Plans: Undecided

Career Plans: Undecided

Abby Turner


Parents: Sandy Trout, Donnie Trout, Rob Turner and Gina Turner

Hobbies: I go to church in my free time, Hang out with friends in my free time and spend time with my family

Community service: I help feed the veterans on Friday

High school involvement: I play basketball, I’m also in FCA and Mule Barn for 4 years

College Plans: I plan on attending Three Rivers for 2 years then transfer to either ASU or Missouri State in Springfield

Career plans: I plan on being a teacher and after I get my degree I want to teach for a few years then go back to college and get my degree in administration.

Ethan Micah Tucker


Parents: Meagan & Sam Tucker

Hobbies include origami, spending time outdoors, reading, and sports

Community service: Volunteering at the Bread Shed, NHS, and Beta volunteering.

Student Council, Beta, Tennis, Soccer, and Chess Club

Attend college at SEMO (Southeast University), Undecided major.

Unsure of future career plans.

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