March 3, 2020

Haven House will celebrate its 35th anniversary with a gala Saturday, March 28, at the Westwood Center in Poplar Bluff. Every five years the organization holds a formal dinner and dance to acknowledge community members who have been instrumental in their success...

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Haven House will celebrate its 35th anniversary with a gala Saturday, March 28, at the Westwood Center in Poplar Bluff.

Every five years the organization holds a formal dinner and dance to acknowledge community members who have been instrumental in their success.

“The theme, ‘Reach for the Stars,’ is fitting as we are not only celebrating past accomplishments, but looking to build on programs and services designed to assist those who are overcoming either domestic or sexual violence,” said Suzanne Riffle, who is co-chairing the event with Bradley Minton. Both are long-time board members.

“The board and staff have worked long and hard to meet the needs of those we serve. However, we know that all our long term planning and implementation of programs would be in vain if not for a community that has supported us so well for three and a half decades,” added Mary Ann Allen, Haven House executive director for the past 33 years. “Whether people drop by with food or clothes, participate in fundraising events, or contribute financially throughout the year, they are important to us.”

Haven House is proud of the 35 years of work done for victims of rape and abuse, Allen said. The program was the brain child of five Poplar Bluff women who felt strongly rural women who were victimized by violence should be afforded the same quality services as those in the metropolitan areas. The group formed a board in 1984 and got busy recruiting community volunteers and donors.

There were only 12 such organizations in Missouri when the doors of Haven House opened in 1985. Now Missouri boasts 125 such programs and Haven House is a role model for groups in other rural communities everywhere.

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Allen said, the doors have not closed or the hotline gone unanswered for even one minute since that day in 1985. Haven House’s leadership on both the state and federal levels has helped further legislation to protect those victimized by rape and abuse, as well as secure funding for rural and metropolitan areas alike.

“We plan to build on our successes and are indeed ‘reaching for the stars’ as we anticipate what the future holds for Haven House and those we serve,” Allen said. “Unless you are here daily, you can never really comprehend how your contributions help battered women strive to reach their own goals for personal safety. To know that others are rooting for them, keeps them reaching for the stars as well.”

Last year, Haven House served 1,800 women and their children through the many emergency, shelter and out-reach services available. While families are accepted from any area, nearly 80% are from Butler, Stoddard, Wayne, Ripley and Carter counties.

Seats for the Black Tie Optional event are $75 each and include a cocktail social hour, sit down dinner and an evening of dancing. The menu includes beef tenderloin and salmon.

Sponsorships are also available, and include a number of seats, according to level chosen.

For more information about the gala, sponsorship opportunities, or to reserve seats, call Haven House at 573-686-4873 and ask for Allen or Jane Walker.

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