February 19, 2020

The Boy Scouts of America filed for bankruptcy this week amid a deluge of sex-abuse lawsuits. The Catholic clergy's pedophilia conspiracies have cost the church more than $3 billion and countless followers. Scandal after scandal shows how cunning child predators have exploited trusted civic institutions under cover of "diversity," "inclusion" and "progressivism."...

Michelle Malkin

The Boy Scouts of America filed for bankruptcy this week amid a deluge of sex-abuse lawsuits. The Catholic clergy's pedophilia conspiracies have cost the church more than $3 billion and countless followers. Scandal after scandal shows how cunning child predators have exploited trusted civic institutions under cover of "diversity," "inclusion" and "progressivism."

Now more than ever, parents across the country are rising up to protect their local public schools and public libraries from turning into the next pedo playgrounds that will steal innocence, ruin lives, ravage communities and impose mind-boggling costs on taxpayers. It's a grassroots movement whose leaders have been demonized by both left-wing smear merchants at the Southern Poverty Law Center (which likens resistant parents to "neo-Nazis") and marginalized by GOP Beltway elitists who run the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (which banned the top anti-drag queen hour activist group in 2018 for fully embracing a true "culture war" against transvestite and transsexual forces hijacking the schools).

"MassResistance.org has been on the forefront of fighting back and stopping Drag Queen Story Hour programs all over the country," the group's director Arthur Schaper told me this week. "Our activists have uncovered the lurid sites and social media they promote, and we have exposed that a number of them have criminal backgrounds, including two sex offenders who had assaulted minors! These are hardly role models, contrary to what the Drag Queen Story Hour website claims." Through local community organizing, investigative work and social media leveraging, MassResistance is making a difference.

Here's what you must understand: Social justice rainbow warriors didn't accomplish the metastasis of Drag Queen Story Hours in public schools and libraries on their own. Capitulationist "conservatives" and libertarians, who prioritize virtue signaling over safety, joined forces with trans militants to promote blind acceptance of sexual perversity masquerading as "diversity" and marketed to toddlers and elementary school students. Turning Point USA, the leading youth conservative organization, features drag queens and rainbow advocates at campus events. National Review writer David French, now a featured speaker on the Young America's Foundation campus circuit, told the New Yorker: "The fact that a person can get a room in a library and hold a Drag Queen Story Hour and get people to come? That's one of the blessings of liberty."


Unlike the DQL (Drag Queen Lobby) on both sides of the political spectrum, parental sovereignty soldiers in the heartland have all the right enemies because they answer to only one special interest: our kids.

In Columbus, Ohio this week, protesters shut down a planned "Disney-themed" drag queen story hour at Clinton Elementary School.

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In Chula Vista, California, vigilant parents filed public information requests revealing deception by City Councilmember Steve Padilla and Mayor Mary Salas, who falsely asserted at a council meeting that drag queens in the schools are subjected to full vetting and background checks. MassResistance released documents this week from the city clerk admitting that no criminal background checks were conducted by police on two drag queens, "Raquelita" and "Barbie Q," before they performed at a public library in front of 300 schoolchildren last September. The records exposed that "the City does not require background checks for any of its performers as they only work with staff for less than twenty hours and the city has a standing policy that they are considered episodic volunteers and do not require a background check."

During their day jobs, the two performers defended by Salas and Padilla call themselves "The Hottest Exxotics" and promote gay bar hookups with young-looking men called "twinks."

In Missouri, state Republican legislator Ben Baker has introduced a bill to bar drag queens from presenting age-inappropriate sexual material to young kids at public libraries.

In Texas, MassResistance chapter chair Tracy Shannon and other parents helped uncover two registered sex offenders performing as drag queens in the Houston public library system last year. One had been convicted of assaulting an 8-year-old boy. The other, a transgender porn star, had been convicted of multiple sexual assaults against four young children (ages 4, 5, 6 and 8). Texas MassResistance parents also exposed a third registered sex offender last summer operating in Austin elementary schools as "Miss Kitty Litter," who had been convicted of male prostitution. The local government-subsidized librarian had been warned in advance by the drag queen that he would fail a criminal background check. The event was scheduled anyway with reckless disregard for the children's safety.

Parent resisters were maligned as bigots by Texas officials, who mocked their faith and concerns. Gay Houston city councilman Mike Laster sneered: "What are you afraid of?"

Ask the families suing the Boy Scouts and Catholic dioceses across the country and around the world. Resist now, parents, or regret when it's too late.

Michelle Malkin's email address is MichelleMalkinInvestigates@protonmail.com.

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