February 4, 2020

Under the advice of the district’s auditor, the Twin Rivers R-X school board is forming a budget committee.

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Under the advice of the district’s auditor, the Twin Rivers R-X school board is forming a budget committee.

The committee would look at the district’s finances and explore areas for cost saving.

In December, the board approved the audit for the 2018-19 school year, which saw a $856,000 deficit in spending. This caused a 35% dip over 12 months in its fund balance.

Dwayne Clark, CPA, of Hayti, who performed the audit, described it to the board as a “perfect storm” of increased spending and reduced revenues.

While the board explored several factors, such as starting two preschool early childhood special education programs last year and a steady decline in student enrollment, it also discussed the idea of forming the budget committee.

It will be comprised at most 10 people, including administration, board members and community members.

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Superintendent Jeremy Seibert said he’d like to see the committee get moving rather quickly, which board president Billy Watson agreed with.

School principals Seth McBroom, Misti Lovelace and Leean Mann will serve on the committee along with board members Donna Sue Ashcraft-Fincher and vice president Keith Parker. One additional board member could join the committee.

The principals said they’ve talked to some members of their staffs about what teachers would like to be included on the committee. Board members also brought up approaching some community members about participating.

“I know a lot of farmers who have a big budget,” board member David Dugger said. “They have to do a lot of planning and I think they’d be a good addition.”

The district is considering a four-day school week as a possible way to cut expenses. During the audit report, Clark also mentioned not filling vacated positions as a way to bring down expenses.

The final make-up of the committee will be reviewed and approved at the Feb. 20 meeting, which is held at Twin Rivers High School at 3 p.m.

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