January 16, 2020

The State of Missouri will conduct a series of public hearings regarding funding awarded to the state by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Public comment will help shape the state’s FY2020 Draft Action Plan and Community Development Block Grant Mitigation Draft Action Plan...

Butler County commissioners stand May 4, 2017 next to a county road that was badly damaged by flooding.
Butler County commissioners stand May 4, 2017 next to a county road that was badly damaged by flooding.DAR FIle Photo/Paul Davis

The State of Missouri will conduct a series of public hearings regarding funding awarded to the state by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Public comment will help shape the state’s FY2020 Draft Action Plan and Community Development Block Grant Mitigation Draft Action Plan.

The CDBG-MIT plan that is in development will guide how the state spends $41 million specifically designated for mitigation. These funds will be used to implement projects at the local level that strengthen infrastructure and reduce future losses in areas that have experienced repetitive flooding as a result of the 2017 storms.

Public hearings will take place across the state and online. Five of the hearings will pertain to the state’s FY2020 Action Plan, while an additional five hearings will specifically collect feedback on the state’s Disaster Mitigation Action Plan.

A short presentation will be provided at each hearing to explain the programs and how funding may be used. Attendees will also have an opportunity to provide public comments and ask questions of state officials.

Public hearing dates and locations are as follows:

__Draft Action Plan__

The FY2020 Action Plan covers the following HUD programs administered by the State: Community Development Block Grant, HOME Program, Emergency Solutions Grant Program, Housing Trust Fund, and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS, and the Continuum of Care.

The 30-day public comment period on the FY2020 Draft Action Plan begins January 15, 2020, and ends at noon CST on February 14, 2020.

Hearing Schedule for local area:

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• Jan. 29

10 a.m. to noon, 1111 W. Pine St., Poplar Bluff

__CDBG Mitigation__

CDBG-Mitigation funds will be used to implement projects at the local level that strengthen infrastructure and reduce future losses in areas that have experienced repetitive flooding as a result of the 2017 storms.

Hearing Schedule for local area:

• Jan. 28

10 a.m.to noon, 1401 Main Street, Van Buren City Hall

6-8 p.m., 105 Washington, Doniphan Community Center

For more information on CDBG or CDBG-MIT activities, visit the CDBG-MIT website here.

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