__Courthouse Christmas tree__
Drove by the courthouse to see the beautiful Christmas tree that I’ve been waiting for. It wasn’t lit up. Dark as could be. You could barely see the tree. Way to go Poplar Bluff.
__Praise for TR-RX__
The Christmas program at Twin Rivers-Qulin school was very good. The children did fantastic.
__Politicians and impeachment__
I’ve been watching all this impeachment stuff. I can’t figure out, if the Democrats are so hot to impeach Trump, I guess since Clinton was a Democrat, they heard Bill could do anything they want to. What scares me the most, Democrat or Republican, if they can do that to someone in that high of an office, what can they do to us little peons who live out here in the country without all of the big money that they have, that they can buy all these people to do what they want. We need to be praying hard, harder than we’ve ever prayed, and thinking about what in the world is happening. I think those people have been in office too terribly long. I don’t think we should pay them a dime after the way they act. They’re not concerned about the rest of the country. Just their madness and what they want.