October 31, 2019

Twin Rivers R-X High School drama students will be getting a more rounded experience.

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Twin Rivers R-X High School drama students will be getting a more rounded experience.

Teacher Joshua Hancock, who also teaches English, received a $100 grant from the Southeast Region Teachers Association (SERTA) to buy more materials for his drama class.

“While I do have plenty of English materials,” he said. “It seems like in drama, I don’t have as much. I would like to do different stuff to further our exploration; do some more things that are hands on.”

Hancock is one of about 30 teachers in the region to receive one of these Classroom Project Award grants, which are all focused around classroom enrichment being used for student-centered materials. SERTA will award up to two of these grants to a single school district.

Fifth and sixth grade science teacher Landon Ham at Fisk is also receiving a grant for Twin Rivers.

Ham said he’ll be using the grant to buy some basic supplies for hands-on activities the students will be doing throughout the year.

Hancock said the goal is to do more with elements of theater that aren’t acting, such as make-up, costuming and set design. The students who take the class should come out with a well-rounded experience of theater. He said he wants the students to know there are options when it comes to an interest such as theater or productions.

“It’s really to show them that you can be a part of drama or dramatic productions and never have to be an actor because there’s so many more jobs that go into it as well,” Hancock said.
