PIEDMONT — A faith-based recovery group recently held a retreat in Wayne County as part of an effort to help participants develop stronger bonds with others in recovery.
Celebrate Recovery held worship services where ministry leaders shared testimonies of how Jesus, along with the steps and principles of Celebrate Recovery, helped them recover from past hurts, habits and hang ups during an event at Eagle Sky, according to a press release.
“From the time I crossed the beautiful bridge coming into Eagle Sky I could feel the magnificent presence of God,” said Cathy Hinklin.
Hinklin is the Celebrate Recovery Southeast Missouri state representative for Celebrate Recovery. The program is a Christ-centered, 12-step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurts, pain or addiction of any kind, according to organizers. Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to find community and freedom from the issues that can control participants lives, they say.
A group of about 40 adults attended the retreat at Eagle Sky.
An integral part of Celebrate Recovery is developing a support network, “We call it our Forever Family” said Hinklin.
Participants were able to work together to accomplish common goals and developing friendships through team bonding activities, she said.
“While the primary focus of Eagle Sky is providing an exceptional summer camp for children and teens, hosting events like this in the off season for adults who are engaging in a pathway to wholeness is very encouraging for us,” said Ben Rodda, a staff member at Eagle Sky.
Eagle Sky of the Ozarks is a Christian Challenge Camp located in Southeast Missouri.