July 24, 2019

Twin Rivers R-X will host its annual Royal Registration and Back to School Fair during the first week of August. This year, the Royal Registration is set up to run a little differently. Christina Miller, guidance counselor at the high school, said parents are being encouraged to update their student’s records online before coming to the event and there will not be a freshman orientation...

Twin Rivers R-X will host its annual Royal Registration and Back to School Fair during the first week of August.

This year, the Royal Registration is set up to run a little differently. Christina Miller, guidance counselor at the high school, said parents are being encouraged to update their student’s records online before coming to the event and there will not be a freshman orientation.

Miller said parents should have received a packet of information in the mail about the event. She said the process at registration will go faster if parents check their student records online through the SISk12 portal — available through the district’s website — to update any information.

During the Royal Registration, students will take their school photos. Miller said parents can also make that process faster by going online to the Inter-State Studio website and picking out what package, if any, they want of the photos.

On the day of the event, parents will need to bring a piece of mail as proof of residency, an updated shot record, payment for any outstanding fees and any medication their student needs to take during the school day.

“The other thing for them to bring is if their child takes any medication to bring it in it’s original bottle — the medication that would be given at school,” Miller said. “They’ll give that to the school nurses there and there won’t be a delay with them meeting with (the nurses).”

During registration, students will get the chance to meet with the principals/nurses, verify enrollment and receive their class schedule. The transportation director will be available to answer any questions about getting students to and from school. For the high school students, they will get the chance to set up their locker.

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Miller said in previous years, the district also had freshman orientation going on at the same time. However, that won’t be the case this year. There will be student guides available to help show families around the campus or locate different classes.

“In lieu of freshman orientation, BETA Club students will be available to provide tours and answer questions for new and incoming students,” Miller said. “Typically we’ve had our ninth grade orientation at the same time, but we’ve had the eighth graders come up (to the high school) in May and of course we’ll meet one-on-one with the parents when they come register that day. We just don’t want to take up any more of their time with another hour-long event.”

Royal Registration will be from 1-7 p.m. Monday, Aug. 5 at the high school for all grade levels. A few days later, on August 7, the district will host its Back to School Fair from 1-7 p.m. at the high school gym.

School Board member Donna Ashcraft-Fincher said the event is completely free for any Twin Rivers R-X student. During that time, students can receive supplies, haircuts and physicals to get ready for the upcoming school year. For the physicals, Ashcraft-Fincher said, a dentist will be there from 1-5:30 p.m. Students can also get vision and hearing physicals. For a general physical, Ashcraft-Fincher said there will be a physical therapist and a nurse practitioner.

Ashcraft-Fincher said parents must accompany younger students, but high school students can come on their own.

She said planning for each year’s event typically start the year before, as school is getting started, when the supplies go on sale. The supplies are a mixture of donations and some that Ashcraft-Fincher has purchased through monetary donations.

“The goal is to provide school supplies for the needs of the children in our school district,” she said.

Ashcraft-Fincher said anybody with questions about the event can call her at 573-429-4180.

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