July 18, 2019

DEXTER — Progressive Industries will vacate its building in October, shutting down operations that provide jobs to a limited number of developmentally disabled residents in Stoddard County. The announcement came at a meeting Thursday by members of the Senate Bill 40 board...

DEXTER — Progressive Industries will vacate its building in October, shutting down operations that provide jobs to a limited number of developmentally disabled residents in Stoddard County.

The announcement came at a meeting Thursday by members of the Senate Bill 40 board.

A local representative of First Midwest Bank also came forward to advise the board the Stoddard County Sheltered Workshop has maxed out a $100,000 line of credit and is approximately $20,000 overdrawn, after having deficient cash to meet payroll checks to the developmentally disabled clients who work at the facility. The bank can go no farther, according to the representative.

The sheltered workshop also presented approximately $15,000 in bills it asked for reimbursement for, which would take up about half of a contingency fund meant to last until the end of 2019.

__Progressive Industries__

Progressive Industries Director Mike McCollough apologized for disappointing the clients served by the Senate Bill 40 board, which oversees the taxpayer money that funds not only PI, but also other programs.

He accused SB40 board members and the operators of the Stoddard County Sheltered Workshop of actions he feels endanger funding for the program that runs Stoddard County’s group homes.

“Most of all, I’m disappointed in myself. I apologize I have not been able to convince those in power that the developmentally disabled deserve the building that was built for them,” McCollough said.

PI will vacate its building no later than Oct. 31, but possibly as early as Oct. 15.

SB40 has discussed trying to sell one or both of the buildings that opened in 2018. A second building, which shares a parking lot with PI, holds administrative offices, a thrift store and other operations.

__Officers & budget__

Board members did not address McCollough’s comments before moving on to an election of new officers. Board member Josh Hester was elected as the new chairperson, filling a spot that has been vacant since former chairperson Joe Weber stepped down due to health reasons.

The board also approved a budget amendment, with a warning from Administrator Dana McClure that SB40 is on track to spend at least $8,100 more than incoming revenues.

McClure suggested reducing by approximately $4,000 the contingency funds for both the group homes and the sheltered workshop.

The budget amendment was approved as presented.


New board member Mark Avery questioned why bills submitted for reimbursement from the contingency fund are not more detailed, with signed receipts.

Sheltered workshop representatives said they are three months into a new accounting system. The questions revolved around a request to pay for parts for truck repairs, for which no receipts were submitted.

The sheltered workshop needs to rebuild trust, Stoddard County Associate Commissioner Steve Jordan said to workshop Director Devin Miller in response to the discussion. Jordan attended as an audience member, along with Associate Commissioner Carol Jarrell.

“There’s been a trust issue on both sides. Devin, if you want to rebuild trust with the SB40 board, you need to itemize …. Everybody needs to be accountable. That’s the bottom line,” Jordan said.

__First Midwest Bank__

Avery asked if the $120,000 owed to First Midwest Bank was included in the 2019 budget.

McClure said it was not.

Sheltered workshop representatives said that problems with withheld funding in 2018 have caused their current problems.

McClure said the workshop has been repaid for those withholdings earlier in 2019.

Avery said he believes the money should be paid to the bank, but expressed concerns about how far over budget SB40 is to date.

Adding up funding requests, Avery said the sheltered workshop is reaching the $390,000 that the total group served by SB40 is getting for everything.

“That’s telling you we’re way over our total budget,” Avery said.

Jerry Dorton, president of First Midwest Bank in Dexter, expressed concern that something needs to be done to resolve the workshop’s situation, adding he was concerned it would occur again if additional changes were not made.

Avery asked if paying the money would put the board in jeopardy of running out of funds.

There will be no backup funds, McClure said, all that will be left will be the approximately $293,000 in the board’s checking account.

The board voted to take money from a certificate of deposit and money market account to pay First Midwest Bank by August. Member Clay Prough voted against the motion.

__Building sale__

Prough also asked that the board reconsider selling its buildings, suggesting the sheltered workshop move into the facility that will be vacated by PI.

SB40 members also discussed multiple repairs needed to the existing sheltered workshop, including extensive roof repairs.
