The Oak Grove Homemakers Club met on June 19 at the home of Candy Hill for their monthly meeting. Candy prepared all the food for a delicious noon luncheon for the members. Dorothy Robbins gave the invocation. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and club members sang “The Star Spangled Banner” as a tribute to Flag Day and Independence Day.
Helen Birdsong presided over the business meeting. Candy gave a devotional and told how much she admired the club members who attended for many years, stayed friends, and devoted their time to club projects such as donations, quilts donated to families, and community activities.
Roll call was answered with what qualities you would look for in a friend. Ten members answered and four visitors. The four visitors were Rita Maxwell, Clara Freeman, Susan Corbett, and Julia Barrett. Dorothy Robbins read the secretary’s report and Betty Ketcherside read the treasurer’s report, both were approved.
New business consisted of approval of a donation to the Rodgers Theatre restoration and donation to the Cambridge Adult Day Care Center. A stove was donated to the Cambridge Adult Day Care Center, but an electrician would be needed to hook up the stove for them.
The club ladies congratulated Fred and Helen Birdsong on their 69th Anniversary on June 18. Helen also told of a trip driving across two swinging bridges in Brumley, Mo. The bridges have been in operation for 88 years. There were quite a few chuckles over the book review of, “Peanut Butter Families Stick Together” by Bill Butterworth.
Martha Dee won the door prize. Candy gave each member a cute Friendship Kit and opened her hostess gifts. Clara Freeman rejoined the club which made for a total of 18 members. Club was adjourned with a recitation of the Club Collect. The July meeting will be held at the home of Donna Pirc.