June 18, 2019

County firefighters responded at 6:01 p.m. Friday, June 14, to a motor-vehicle crash at 8462 Highway W. According to the report, a concrete truck overturned in a pond, and it’s driver was out upon the arrival of the fire department. ———— County firefighters responded at 7:30 p.m. Friday, June 14, to a motor-vehicle crash on Highway 53...

County firefighters responded at 6:01 p.m. Friday, June 14, to a motor-vehicle crash at 8462 Highway W.

According to the report, a concrete truck overturned in a pond, and it’s driver was out upon the arrival of the fire department.


County firefighters responded at 7:30 p.m. Friday, June 14, to a motor-vehicle crash on Highway 53.

According to the report, extrication was not needed, and firefighters assisted emergency-medical-services personnel in loading a patient.


City firefighters responded at 8:59 a.m. Sunday, June 16, to assist police after a suspicious bag, which as emitting a bad odor, was found at Garner Car Wash, 1590 W. Maud St.

According to the report, the fire department was cancelled en route.


City firefighters responded at 1:14 p.m. Saturday, June 15, to assist emergency-medical-services personnel at 118 Division St.

According to the report, firefighters assisted EMS in placing a patient on a flexible stretcher and moving the patient down a long, narrow hallway and then placing the patient in an ambulance.


City firefighters responded at 6:19 p.m. Saturday, June 15, to a motor-vehicle crash at the intersection of Shelby Road and Raider Way.

According to the report, firefighters remained on the scene until the vehicle was removed.


City firefighters responded at 3:25 a.m. Saturday, June 15, to the report of an unauthorized burn at 805 Emma St.

According to the report, firefighters found trash burning and used 10 gallons of water to put out the fire.


City firefighters responded at 11:48 p.m. Friday, June 14, to a motor-vehicle crash at 333 S. Westwood Blvd.

According to the report, firefighters put an absorbent on a small amount of antifreeze and power steering fluid on the road.


City firefighters responded at 10:07 a.m. Friday, June 14, to a report of heavy smoke in the area of Cedar and Cherry streets. It was investigation only.

According to the report, firefighters found Dorthy Harrison burning yard waste at her 953 Park Ave. home.

