June 3, 2019

The Poplar Bluff City Council voted Monday night to decide at its next meeting on whether to grant a request from an east side church to vacate of a portion of two streets in exchange for the donation of property to build a “direct access” road into Ray Clinton Park...

The Poplar Bluff City Council voted Monday night to decide at its next meeting on whether to grant a request from an east side church to vacate of a portion of two streets in exchange for the donation of property to build a “direct access” road into Ray Clinton Park.

According to City Planner Matt Winters, the request is to vacate a 539-foot portion of Walnut Street, running west from South C Street to Short A Street, and a 723-foot portion of South B Street, running north and south from Spruce Street to lot 23 of the Kendall addition subdivision.

The applicant, Bluff City Apostolic Worship Center, 200 Walnut St., Winters said, is offering to donate property that would provide a direct access to Clinton Park from C Street in exchange for vacating the sections of streets.

Winters said the dirt to be used for the construction of the new entrance road into the park also will be donated by a member of the church’s congregation.

The new road would provide a direct entrance with a wider turning radius to accommodate larger trucks towing trailers for events, such as rodeos and carnivals, that are frequently held in the park.

The church also is willing to contribute $8,000 for the asphalting of Short A Street and Spruce Street from South B to Short A Street.

Winters further said the request would consolidate the church’s property and provide a safe entrance into the park. The church reportedly wants to install a fence around its property for security purposes.

Winters said the planning and zoning staff recommended approving the request with two stipulations.

The city, Winters said, would retain the western portion of the vacated Walnut Street, from the eastern coroner of South B and Walnut to the western corner of Walnut and Short A Street, as a utility easement and South B Street from Spruce Street to the southern edge of lot 23 of the Kendall addition subdivision.

The vacating of the streets, Winters said, also would not be effective until the new road was complete and open to traffic.

In making his motion to move the recommendation to the council’s June 10 meeting, at-large councilman Ron Black said, the change “appears to me to be very good for the whole community there.”

The change will give “us a direct access to Clinton Park” and a “more direct access certainly for the big trucks going in and out.”

The request “makes all the sense in the world to me,” Black further said.

Black commended the church for not only making the property donation, but also contributing money toward the paving.

“To me, it’s just a win-win for everyone,” Black said.

South C Street resident Bruce Jenkins disagreed.

“I’m opposed to it,” he said. “I’m opposed to the design” and inconvenience of “so many to satisfy the wants of so few.”

Jenkins also commended the church for being willing to invest the time, labor and money in the project, but “I don’t believe giving that street up” will benefit the citizens who live in his community.

Both David Johnson and Jack Altman spoke on behalf of the Butler County Fair Board.

The fair board, according to Johnson, has rented Clinton Park for about 20 years, and it’s always been problematic getting vehicles and trucks into the park.

Having a wider entrance off C Street is something “we need,” Johnson said.

Altman agreed.

Having a new entrance would “greatly help” the events held at the park, including the fair, which Altman estimated brings in “20,000 to 25,000 annually.”

Based on information provided by the Greater Poplar Bluff Area Chamber of Commerce, the economic impact from the events held at the park adds up to $6 million annually, said Altman.

Clay West with the Bootheel Tractor Pullers Association also said his organization has had problems getting trucks and trailers in and out of the park.

There is always property damage that occurs, he said.

The new entrance into the park, West said, will be “very beneficial to keep traffic flowing as easy as possible” without causing property damage.

Russell Conard, who has lived at 533 Short A for 10 years, said he and his neighbor are the “last two houses on the street, and we’re for it.”

“I’d be right tickled to have blacktop in front of my house instead of gravel,” Conrad said. “… I’d like to thank the church for offering … It’s a good thing for us.”

After hearing from the citizens, the council voted unanimously to move the request to its next meeting.

The council also unanimously approved the rezoning of the properties at 726 N. Main St., 732 N. Main St., 812 Fairmount St. and 915 Nooney St. from RA-2 (residential apartment) to RD-1 (residential duplex).

The zone change, Winters said, would reduce the lot size required for a single-family home.

Winters said the current zoning would only allow for the construction of two homes.

Elliott Property Development LLC/Sandra Elliott, Winters said, requested the change so she can build four single-family residential homes. Each, he said, will have room for a home and yard, as well as a separate driveway.

Winters said the RD-1 designation of the property would also conform as it is surrounded by this zoning designation to the east, north and south.

“I think this is really going to help our city, and I think will be improve the area …,” Black said.

In other business, the council unanimously approved:

• The acceptance of a bid from Mike Johnson for the lease of agriculture land (the old east side lagoon). Johnson’s bid was $1,000 per year for a five-year term.

• The amending of Chapter 400 (planning and zoning) of the Code of Ordinances, specifically section 405.020 “definitions” and 405.060 “additional use regulations” to include verbiage and regulations for cargo/shipping containers in all zoning districts.

The council also approved board appointments as follows:

• Airport Advisory Board — Eric Schalk, Keith Berry, Christopher Wright and Bill Bach;

• Downtown Poplar Bluff Board — Jack Altman;

• Municipal Utilities Advisory Board — Alan McSpadden;

• Zoning Board of Adjustments — Lonnie Taylor, Francis Chronister and Lucy Wheeler;

• Animal Control Advisory Board — Eric Schalk and Renee Lindley;

• Arts & Museum Advisory Board — Richard Montgomery and Barbara Pelton;

• Fair Housing Committee — Lucy Wheeler;

• Historical Preservation Commission — Emily Wolpers;

• Housing Authority Board — William Cobb;

• Library Board of Trustees — Mitchell Davis, Kathern Harris and John Stanard;

• Park Board — Steve Hicks, Paul McVey and Mitchell Davis;

• Planning & Zoning Commission — Brad Chronister and Lucy Wheeler;

• Disabilities Advisory Board — Lucy Wheeler and Betty Absheer;

• Black River Coliseum Advisory Board — Jack Altman and Jerrica Fox;

• Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority Board — Brock Littles and Bob MacDonald;

• Plumbing Board — Josh Frey, Dough Hendricks and Joe Leahy;

• Electrical Board — Ronald Rains, Lyndell Coleman and Keith Berry;

• Building Standards Board — John Cooper and Billy Cobb; and

• Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Board — Mike Taylor, Doug Hendricks, Tim Funke, Joe Leahy and Ronald Hedrick.
