June 3, 2019

When needing answers from the Social Security Administration, be careful when typing the socialsecurity.gov website address to avoid getting hacked. Brian Tibbs of the Social Security Administration gave that advice and fielded questions about the services available locally and online Wednesday for those attending the Butler County Community Resource Council meeting...

When needing answers from the Social Security Administration, be careful when typing the socialsecurity.gov website address to avoid getting hacked.

Brian Tibbs of the Social Security Administration gave that advice and fielded questions about the services available locally and online Wednesday for those attending the Butler County Community Resource Council meeting.

The queries ranged from “when should I start collecting my Social Security,” “I think someone has stolen my Social Security number and what should I do,” or “do I really need an online account?”

Retirement age is not necessarily the same for everyone, said Tibbs, explaining, “there is a fine line talking about when to retire.”

If you are a cancer patient or have a terminal illness, you might decide to take your benefits earlier, Tibbs said. Retirement is not necessarily at age 65-67, every year the age for retirement changes.

When questioned about how much someone could earn while drawing Social Security, Tibbs said, the amount varies until the recipient reaches full retirement age.

When one celebrates his or her full retirement age, “the sky is the limit,” he said. Tibbs added, some do not file for Social Security even at 70 because it would raise their income taxes and others in “our area simply say they don’t need the money and wait even longer.”

He reminded everyone when they turn 65, Medicare A is free. Original Medicare consists of two parts: Medicare Part A, which is hospital insurance, and Medicare Part B, which is medical insurance. Medicare Part A covers Medicare inpatient’s care, including care received while in a hospital, a skilled nursing facility and, in limited circumstances, at home.

When a person reaches age 65 they need to inquire about Medicare Parts A and B. “Under certain circumstances, Medicaid pays Medicare premiums for some recipients,” Tibbs said.

Having an online Social Security account is to a person’s advantage. More people are becoming tech savvy and want to have their information at their finger tips.

Having a My Social Security account enables one to look at their own records, print out a 1099 at the end of the year, change an address or change direct deposit to another account, he said.

“It is getting much easier to have your own account and it prevents anyone else from getting your account,” Tibbs said.

While the Social Security administration is “pushing getting online,” Tibbs stressed making certain to be on the SocialSecurity.gov account.

“Make certain it is .gov, verify your ID and it gives you a password,” he added.

Internet is good but not being on the correct site can have the wrong information or give the wrong people personal facts. Tibbs said, double check websites, others try to make their site look like government sites. Be leery, the government site is there for a reason, to help you.

Tibbs also warned about fraudulent callers. When someone calls saying they are from Social Security, “do not give out information if you do not feel comfortable. We do cold calls, but we do not threaten. If you get letters or have questions, you may call us or come in.”
