June 3, 2019

Marina Hefner, and Elizabeth Caldwell, both of Poplar Bluff, Mo. and Kaelyn Moore, of Greenville, Mo., were among the six hundred twenty-two students graduated from Union University May 18 during spring commencement services of the 194th graduating class on the university’s Great Lawn.

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Marina Hefner, and Elizabeth Caldwell, both of Poplar Bluff, Mo. and Kaelyn Moore, of Greenville, Mo., were among the six hundred twenty-two students graduated from Union University May 18 during spring commencement services of the 194th graduating class on the university’s Great Lawn.

Hefner received a Master of Urban Education, Moore received a Bachelor of Science degree in Zoology and Caldwell received a Bachelor of Arts in English.

Brent Ellis, president of Spring Arbor University in Spring Arbor, Michigan, was the keynote speaker at the commencement services. He encouraged the graduates to stand strong in their academic preparation and in their faith.

Located in Jackson, Tenn., Union University is a liberal arts-based university affiliated with the Tennessee Baptist Convention. Founded in 1823, Union is the oldest institution relating to the Southern Baptist Convention.
