Three Rivers College has released its Dean’s List for the Spring 2019 semester. The honor is awarded to students taking 12 or more credit hours in a semester, who achieve a grade point average of 3.5 or above. Dean’s List honors are also used at graduation to help determine eligibility for honors or highest honors.
Three Rivers College is committed to contributing to the quality of life in Southeast Missouri with quality, affordable higher education opportunities and community services that support and encourage the economic, civic, and cultural vitality of the region. For more information about college and workforce programs and upcoming events, visit
Butler County
Brittney Bennett, Bailey Knight, Jarrica Williams
Tabitha Caudel, Dylan Davis, James Fuller, Rosanna Giles, Amy Gimbel-Ramback, Mathew Pickard, Kayla Rizzuto, Casey Wayne
Rebekah Hill, Ashley Sheppard
Garricka Hobbs, Amy Hogan, Malinda Jeffries, Carter Petty
Poplar Bluff
Lauren Alexander, Briar Alford, Zachary Batton, Michael Beltz, Subrina Berger, Regina Blalock, Henry Bournigal, Petra Breitkopf, Logan Brown, Cara Bubanovich, Michelle Burkett, Samantha Carpenter, Crystal Champion, Roy Cleghorn, Katie Cletcher, Alexander Collins, Casey Douglas, Jon Ellsworth, Julia Fox, Alex Frey, Sierra Fuller, Alexandra Gaebler, Faith Garrett, Amber Garris, Calli Gerber, Leah Gimbel, Sydney Greenwall, Anthony Grubbs, Kenneth Hadley, Shelby Hammond, Jessica Harris, Walter Hickey, Debra Hillis, Sara Holland, Daniel Hulan, Brittany Humphrey, Lindsay Hutcheson, Holden Jennings, Crystal Johnson, Travante Johnson, Samara Kilgore, Grace King, Taylor King, Sydney Knapp, Collin Laird, Serena Leahy, Jada Lewis, Jeffrey Lewis, Katilyn Lloyd, Xizhi Ma, Caske Matson, Cherish Maxwell, Steven Mayo, Kaitlyn McKee, Josh McNece, Roberto Mejia, Jade Moore, Kaitlin Morgeson, Brittany Morrison-Jones, Jared Moses, Ryesia Murrell, John Myers, Alexis Nippe, Alexis Overfield, Amy Pierce, Taylor Rice, Jenna Robbins, Alexis Robertson, Michael Russell, Kayla Sanderson, Darby Scott, Stephanie Smith, Elijah Stinson, Autumn Strickland, Natalie Szepelak, Riley Tilley, Selena Torres, Michael Wall, Lainey Warfield, Joshua Webb, Savannah Weitzel, Jessica White, Brant Williams, Justin Williams, Adam Woodard, Emily Young
McKenzie Payne
Carter County
Drew Asher, Alpine Brooks, Shelby Cyr, Courtney Duckett, Heather Newton, Tyler Owen, Sarah Parker
Courtney Hogan, Melanie Kerr
Van Buren
Lauren Dothage, Donnie Eden, Zachary Flowers, Samantha Shelton
Dunklin County
Karee Evans, Crystal Garcia
Jocelyn Frederick, Victoria Hardin, Robert Hirtz, Reva Meadows
Katelyn Riley
Dawn Shown
Haylie Burns, Carol Cumberland, Catina Goodman, Kelendria Johnson, Christopher Land, Britlyn Pikey, Alexis Swift, Jesse Thompson
Blake Beacham, Tori Chambers, Kara Nelson, Samuel Ryan
Audra Davis
Ripley County
Mickel Boone, Joseph Bridges, Kimberly Collins, Ashley Ehrenberg, Jennifer Gentry, Amanda Hawkins, Gail Keck, Danny Kelly, Malinda Lee, Hunter Leroux, Brennan Trotter, Betty Tucker
Justin Knapp, Jerry Wood
Kali Dawes, Nicki Lutes, Kelse McKinney, Nicolas McNeal, Tessa Scott, Brian Thompson
Stoddard County
Jordan Clark, Brendan Crader, Danielle Ford, Leighton Moore, Morgan Roper, Joseph Sadler
Bell City
Barbara Willeford
Kayla Anderson, Dena Costin, Taylor Lovelady
Katie Coleman, Evan Dowell, Zachary Hadley, Jaime Jarrell, Brandon Martinez, Jessica McMillan, Ashley Miller, Kalyn Mitchell, Christy Williams
McKenzie Anthony, Caleb Bess, Tashan Bittaye, Layla Brown, Kirsten Corse, Taylor Cullum, Phillip Dobbs, Jessy Eads, Christina Fichtel, Angela Freeman, Sarah Grummert, Brittany Haddock, Kimberly Haws, Britney Hubbard, Bruce Jones, Garrett Keathley, Garrett Laramore, Nichole Lathem, Abigail Mangum, Shanna Martin, Kelly McCoy, Reilly McMillion, Hanna Moore, William Morgan, Jenifer Ritchie, Alisha Skiles, Kaci Tatum, Hannah Thurmon, Brandi Torres, Lainey Walker, Bailee Williams, Samantha Williams
Paige Moore, Lexi Renken, Kayleigh Wilkerson
Matthew Miller
Madison Caldwell, Jeffrey Gunnels, Jacob Harmon, Matthew Mitchell, Clayton Riddle, Tina Schumer, Angela Slaughter
Wayne County
Brianna Brogdon, Melissa Fox, Autumn Scott, Jenna Van
Ciera Baker, Courtney Bass, Stephanie Bedwell, Abigail Henson, Breanna Hicks, Sarah Johnson, Stephen Martino, Stacy McGehee-Collins, Michael Yount
Joshua Bishop, Jackie Griffith, Robert Ice, Keiarra Lee, Alyssa Nepean, Jillian Noles
Haley Baughn, Brittany Boyer, Melissa Bruce, Christian Carpenter, Katelyn Moeller, Shawn Scott