BLOOMFIELD — The Stoddard County Emergency Management Agency will be able to partner with a military exercise this summer to fulfill a state requirement.
According to Stoddard County EMA Director Kent Polsgrove, a full scale exercise will be held in Sikeston on June 10 to set up the mobile hospital’s main pod and two legs acquired from Missouri Delta Hospital.
EMA will be completing its required exercise in conjunction with a military exercise going on in the community.
The US Department of Defense in partnership with Delta Area Economic Opportunity Corporation (DAEOC) will present Operation Trident Innovative Readiness Training (IRT).
This clinic will provide medical services to residents who are uninsured, underinsured or in need of quality care at no cost to the patient.
Following the exercise, the two legs and main pod will be moved to the Stoddard County Ambulance District.
“A lot of redeployment of assets are going on in the region to make everything more mobile, more accessible and used more,” Polsgrove said.
__Generator Arrived__
Stoddard County’s Generac mobile generator has arrived following damage to the previous generator last summer while on loan to the city of Dexter.
The county accepted a bid from Clifford Power Systems in March and will be reimbursed by the city of Dexter.
The company submitted a bid of $48,940 for the 80kw Generac mobile generator with a two-year warranty or 2,000 hours. The warranty also includes unlimited hours covered during the first year.
__Bridge Work__
Smith & Company Engineer Colter Gaebler updated commissioners on two bridges within the county during Monday morning’s meeting.
Bridge work on County Road 772 has began to replace the bridge.
Fricke Management & Contracting Inc. estimated about 45 days to complete, depending on weather, during the preconstruction meeting.
Bridge work on County Road 743 was scheduled to begin Tuesday.
Joe’s Bridge and Grading, Inc. predicted about 60 days to complete the work, depending on weather, during the preconstruction meeting.
The two bridges with be replaced using Off-system Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program (BRO) funds, which uses federal transportation funds to repair bridges throughout Missouri.