May 10, 2019

A near capacity crowd gathered Thursday at the Poplar Bluff Municipal Library on the 92nd anniversary of the tornado that devastated the city of Poplar Bluff and its residents. The audience turned out to listen to local author/historian, Kati Wylie Ray’s presentation on her new book “Poplar Bluff Tornado: May 9, 1927.”...

Amber Hornbeck Staff Writer
Kati Wylie Ray signs copies of her new book for the near capacity crowd before her presentation Thursday at the Poplar Bluff Municipal Library.
Kati Wylie Ray signs copies of her new book for the near capacity crowd before her presentation Thursday at the Poplar Bluff Municipal Library. DAR/Amber Hornbeck

A near capacity crowd gathered Thursday at the Poplar Bluff Municipal Library on the 92nd anniversary of the tornado that devastated the city of Poplar Bluff and its residents.

The audience turned out to listen to local author/historian, Kati Wylie Ray’s presentation on her new book “Poplar Bluff Tornado: May 9, 1927.”

Ray humanized the tragic day’s events in telling the stories of some of the lives lost and affected by the storm.

Nora Lade Davis of Poplar Bluff shows her grandmother, Hinda ‘Belle’ Lade’s story in Ray’s book, alongside a copy of Lade’s 1927 obituary that appeared in the Daily Republican newspaper.
Nora Lade Davis of Poplar Bluff shows her grandmother, Hinda ‘Belle’ Lade’s story in Ray’s book, alongside a copy of Lade’s 1927 obituary that appeared in the Daily Republican newspaper. DAR/Amber Hornbeck

Many relatives of the victims were present at the gathering. Nora Lade Davis’ paternal grandmother, Hinda ‘Belle’ (nee Whitworth) Lade, was one of the 86 men, women and children who perished that fateful day.

Mrs. Lade was the owner of the Harris House boarding home on South Broadway. According to Ray’s book, Lade died at her business after fires began breaking out from the storm. Reports say she was trapped in the ruins and burned alive. Lade left behind six adult children. One son, Victor, age 28 at the time, was Davis’ father.

While researching an assignment for a junior high class, Davis, of Poplar Bluff, found an old book in her school’s library titled, “Deem’s History of Butler County.” It sparked her interest in geneology and the infamous tornado that ravaged Poplar Bluff decades prior, Davis said. After she began talking to her dad and other relatives about the tornado and family history, her historical interest never waned.

The Harris Rooming House is pictured after the 1927 tornado in downtown Poplar Bluff.
The Harris Rooming House is pictured after the 1927 tornado in downtown Poplar Bluff.Photo provided

Over the years, Davis has amassed an impressive collection of family archival information, including various vintage publications about the tornado, along with the actual Daily Republican newspaper that contains her grandmother’s 1927 obituary and photo. She said she was thrilled to have her grandmother be a featured part of Ray’s compilation. Davis said her love of history and her grandmother’s story brought her to the library to hear Ray’s presentation on the tornado’s 92nd anniversary.

After reading the last victim’s name and at approximately 3:17 p.m., Ray led the crowd in a moment of silence to honor those who lost their lives in the storm. It was the exact time the 1927 tornado’s reign of terror is said to have ended. She remarked how very lucky residents of the modern world are to have weather forecasting technology and state-of-the-art shelters that were not available to the citizens of Poplar Bluff in 1927. Ray noted that many lives could have been saved if residents had ample warning that day.

Ray says the book was her way of giving a lasting “memorial to the people that died” and a gift to the Poplar Bluff History Museum and the City of Poplar Bluff.

The book is on sale for $18 at the Poplar Bluff History Museum and on Amazon. All proceeds go to the museum.
