April 30, 2019

Melanie McKuin of Dexter, Mo., recently represented Williams Baptist University at the international conference of Sigma Tau Delta, English honor society. The conference was held at St. Louis in March. McKuin was one of three WBU students invited to present their research at the event...


Melanie McKuin of Dexter, Mo., recently represented Williams Baptist University at the international conference of Sigma Tau Delta, English honor society. The conference was held at St. Louis in March. McKuin was one of three WBU students invited to present their research at the event.

McKuin, a junior from Dexter, Mo., presented “Battling Grief: Sethe Edition,” which analyzes Toni Morrison’s novel, Beloved. McKuin’s argument illustrated how the character of Sethe moves through Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’s five stages of grief to heal from the death of one of her children.

McKuin serves as president of the WBU chapter of Sigma Tau Delta. While attending the conference, she represented the chapter at the annual business meeting.

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McKuin is the daughter of Barry and Kim McKuin of Dexter. She plans to attend law school to study family and juvenile law after she graduates from WBU.

The Department of English at Williams offers majors in English and secondary English education.

WBU is a private, Christian university in Walnut Ridge, Ark.

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