April 25, 2019

By Scott Cheshire, Memorial Baptist Church, Poplar Bluff Growing up in Poplar Bluff has been a great joy. Through the years I have witnessed many changes. Schoolmates are now public servants. Men that were my age 40 years ago now have grey hair, aged faces but still have great wisdom. ...

Scott Cheshire

Growing up in Poplar Bluff has been a great joy. Through the years I have witnessed many changes. Schoolmates are now public servants. Men that were my age 40 years ago now have grey hair, aged faces but still have great wisdom. I have grieved buildings coming down and applauded new buildings going up. I have witnessed small business operators become senators and state representatives and watched as a lawyer’s son became Missouri Speaker of the House. I have attended many funerals and felt the loss of people that once were groundbreakers in our community. Names like but not limited to Parker, West, Shackleford, Wilkinson, Gilbert and Hogg. So many memories of people and events in my hometown that if I wrote a book it would take the rest of my life to finish.

The best part about living in Poplar Bluff is being close to family. Being able to drive a short distance to talk with my family about life and all of its ups and downs is an awesome blessing. Another advantage that comes from living in Poplar Bluff is the people. The long-lasting relationships and acquaintances through the years are priceless. I still enjoy listening to the guys at the local hangout “solving” all the problems of the world.


However, with all of the memories, the people I know and family I have, I look forward to the day when I get to leave Poplar Bluff. I do not mean relocating to another town or state. I plan on living here for the rest of my life. What I mean is I look forward to when I leave this home for my new home.

The Bible teaches that heaven is the most magnificent place. A city made of pure gold. Gold is actually used for street paving in heaven. That would change our city’s budget. Each of its 12 gates is made of one solid pearl. Foundations made of precious stones, jasper walls, 12 foundations made of 12 different stones and a mansion that is prepared just for me (Revelation 21).

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Most of all, I will get to spend eternity with Jesus. The One who died for me. The One that had a Father that loved me so much that He would give His Son for me (John 3:16). I am sure that after living in Poplar Bluff for 40 years that you could find someone to speak badly about me. That’s OK. For everything he or she may know, there are so many more things that God knows. Yet, He still loves me enough to make a way for me to be forgiven for all my mistakes. This love of God also applies to every single person.

There is a question when we die that will need to be answered. The question: Do you have faith and rely totally on Jesus as the deliverer from your sin? If the answer is “YES” you will get to experience heaven and spend eternity with God and His Son.

__A lesson for everyday living__

Jesus told us to love the Lord our God with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our mind, and with all our strength, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Let’s do a better job in this and watch what our community will become (Luke 10:27). God bless you all.


Scott Cheshire and his wife, Cathy have been a part of Memorial Baptist Church since April 2013. God has blessed them with a wonderful church family they would love to share with you.

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