March 26, 2019

BROSELEY — The 2019-20 school calendar for the Twin Rivers R-X School District has been set with the first day of school scheduled for Aug. 15 and graduation on May 3, 2020. According to Superintendent Jeremy Siebert, four school days were knocked off next year’s calendar with the minimum number of school days being lowered...

BROSELEY — The 2019-20 school calendar for the Twin Rivers R-X School District has been set with the first day of school scheduled for Aug. 15 and graduation on May 3, 2020.

According to Superintendent Jeremy Siebert, four school days were knocked off next year’s calendar with the minimum number of school days being lowered.

According to the new policy from the Missouri Consultants for Education (see policy updates), the minimum attendance requirements will be expressed in hours (1,044) rather than days.

“There are no half days other than the parent/teacher conferences and last day of school,” Siebert said.

The total school days for the 2019-20 school year is 165 1/2, which includes six built in snow days.

School will also be dismissed Nov. 18 for fall break and the entire week of Thanksgiving.

The calendar is subject to change due to inclement weather, school activities or an emergency that may occur.

MCE Policy Updates

The board unanimously approved mandatory policy updates written by the Missouri Consultants for Education.

The student use of tobacco, alcohol and drugs was updated to include vaping, which was not a mandatory update, but was “highly recommended,” Siebert said.

The high school handbook currently prohibits vaping on school campuses and the board agreed to add it to the policies as well.

DESE Review

Director of Special Education Tracie Austin reported to the board the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education completed its on-site review of the Special Education program and final results could take up to 30 days.

From the review, Austin said some of the talking points included pre-referral interventions, which will ensure consistency between buildings and grade levels, as well as common curriculum to ensure students have access to research-based curriculum.

Behavior was also touched on during the report as well as pre-referral data, which goes back to intervention, curriculum and having positive supports in place, Austin said.

Siebert added he sat in on the review and several positives were taken away from the meeting.

Once the review is received, Austin said copies will be distributed to the board and discussed in more detail.

Medical Insurance

Siebert reported all health insurance plans had increased about $30 per plan.

He also added the district was hit with a nearly $50 per employee and retiree assessment fee to get the reserves back up.

“I have a couple other insurance companies getting me quotes,” Siebert said. “A decision has to be made by the April board meeting.”

Superintendent’s Report

Siebert reported to the board the new bleacher wheels had been installed in the high school gym.

He also added Bus Mechanic Jeff Snider was still looking for a school bus to replace one that had an engine failure.

The board approved for Snider to look for options during last month’s meeting.

Executive Session

The board unanimously accepted resignations from Taylor Trover and Sarah Grisham.

Whitney Stanford was hired as head high school volleyball coach and Jordan Mathews as assistant coach.

Alexandrea Ammons was unanimously hired as high school social studies teacher as well as Miranda Huddleston as an aide at Fisk.

All non-tenure teachers were rehired as well as tenure teachers pursuant to Missouri tenure laws.

Next Meeting

The next Twin Rivers R-X Board of Education meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 16 at the Central Office board room.

The board is expected to reorganize following the April 2 election. A preview of the school board candiates running for election will be included in Thursday’s issue.
