March 18, 2019

FREE ACCESS Corrected city meetings agenda March 18-22 The Poplar Bluff City Council will take up four items tonight that will be both workshop and voting items. Workshop and voting items include the selection of an engineering firm for a possible street paving grant application and residency requirements for Poplar Bluff city employees. The council is also scheduled to discuss an agreement with a police dispatchers union. Meetings will also be held today by the utility advisory board; Tuesday by the tree advisory board; and Thursday by the plumbing advisory board and the Black River Coliseum advisory board.

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The Poplar Bluff City Council will take up four items tonight that will be both workshop and voting items.

Workshop and voting items include the selection of an engineering firm for a possible street paving grant application and residency requirements for Poplar Bluff city employees. The council is also scheduled to discuss an agreement with a police dispatchers union.

An incorrect agenda was published Saturday for the Poplar Bluff city meetings which will be held ‪March 18-21.‬ The Daily American Republic regrets this error and any confusion it may have caused.

Meetings will be held Monday by the city council and utility advisory board; Tuesday by the tree advisory board; and Thursday by the plumbing advisory board and the Black River Coliseum advisory board.

Agendas are as follows:

City council

The Poplar Bluff City Council will meet ‪at 7 p.m. Monday‬ at the city council chambers inside the Black River Coliseum.

Items on the workshop agenda include:

• Engineering services for a Community Development Block Grant for paving of various city streets.

• Grant application for a workforce training initiative program.

• Review engineering services agreement with Smith & Company for the ‪11th Street‬ Bridge project.

• Agreement with police dispatchers union.

• Amendment to Southwestern Power Administration agreement.

• Bids regarding wastewater treatment plant upgrade.

• Bid for backhoe/loaders.

• Request to rezone property at ‪2646 Crestwood Drive‬ from general residential to residential apartment.

• Resolution opposing a constitutional amendment initiative petition known as the Better Together Plan.

• Amendment to city ordinance regarding residency requirements for certain positions.

• Amendment to city ordinances regarding the employment of relatives.

Items on the action agenda include:

• Bid for hay baling at city airport.

• Bid for farmland at the city airport.

• Selection of an engineering firm for a grant project to pave city streets.

• Ordinance related to residency requirements for certain positions.

• Application for workforce initiative program.

• Resolution opposing the Better Together Plan.

A closed session is also planned.

Utilities board

The Municipal Utilities Advisory Board will meet ‪at 3 p.m. Monday‬ at the utility office.

Items on the agenda include review of bids received for the wastewater treatment plant upgrade project and an amendment to an agreement with the Southwestern Power Administration.

Tree board

The Tree Advisory Board will meet ‪at 4 p.m. Tuesday‬ at the city council chambers.

Items on the agenda include discussion of expiring board terms, Arbor Day and a Tree City USA application.

Plumbing board

The Poplar Bluff Plumbing Board will meet ‪at 5 p.m. Thursday‬ at the city council chambers.

Items on the agenda include a request by Michael S. Jackson III to take the master plumber’s test and Tony Chilton to put a master plumber’s license in escrow.


The Black River Coliseum Advisory Board will meet ‪at 5:15 p.m. Thursday‬ at the coliseum.

Items on the agenda include past events and upcoming events, including the ‪Aaron Lewis‬ concert ‪April 17‬ and the West Side Church of God Easter service ‪April 21.‬


Meetings for next week of the animal control advisory board and the Board of Adjustment have been cancelled.
