Do you like playing with your food? Are you a reader of books? Would you like to support reading in our community? Yes! Yes! Yes! Join Friends of the Poplar Bluff Public Library’s fundraiser – Incredible, Edible Book Contest, our first attempt at this international book festival.
Although 90 percent of an entry must be edible, we will not be “chowing down” on the entries. In fact, taste will not be a concern for our panel of judges as they choose Best in Show and category winners. Judging points will be cleverness, overall appearance, fun factor, and adherence to the rules.
How does one enter? First, decide what category you will enter: Individual/Family, Club, or Business. Next, choose a book and decide how to create a display that looks like the book cover, is inspired by the book, OR is a pun of the book’s title. You know, like Anne of Green Bagels or Lord of the Fries. Then pick up an entry form at the Poplar Bluff Municipal Library on Main Street or go to Follow the simple rules, submit your form and minimal entry fee, and bring your edible book creation to the Poplar Bluff Library on Saturday, April 6th from 3:30-5 p.m. Judging is that evening. However, the following day, Sunday, April 7th, the public can view the entries from 1-2:30 p.m. and vote for the People’s Choice Award winner. (Don’t forget to bring your dollar bills to place in the voting jars of your favorites.) Presentation of Awards will follow at 3.
I’m excited to see our community’s entries. Will there be a big red or yeller dog? A red pony? A catcher in the rye (bread)? A hungry caterpillar or two?
Please join the fun and enter your edible book today!
Joyce Whitworth
Friends of the Poplar Bluff Public Library, Inc