Wall-mounted tables at the Poplar Bluff Early Childhood Center and O’Neal Elementary will no longer be used following the death of a 4-year-old student last Friday at the Early Childhood Center.
The two buildings used the exact same type of tables, made by the same manufacturer and installed around the same time, Superintendent Dr. Scott Dill said Monday afternoon.
“We made the decision after talking with the staff at the Early Childhood, and looking at their situation, we are going to remove the remainder of the tables at the Early Childhood,” Dill said.
The tables at O’Neal Elementary were removed over the weekend, but can’t be taken out at Early Childhood until the district’s property and liability insurance provider, Missouri United School Insurance Council (MUSIC), finishes its on site investigation.
The company was at the school Monday and Dill predicted will remain through the rest of the week. The investigation will continue once the company has left campus.
Dill added the handles of the tables require a key to release from the wall and both safety latches were engaged at the time of the incident.
“Multiple safety features were in place to prevent exactly that from happening,” Dill has said.
Until the tables are removed from the Early Childhood Center, Dill said the multipurpose room where the accident occurred will not be in use. It serves as a cafeteria and physical education area.
“Students are having their meals brought to them in the classrooms and PE is being held in other locations until then,” he said.
Once the tables are removed, students will use traditional cafeteria tables for the remainder of their time in the building, ahead of the completion of the new Early Childhood Center.
The tables at O’Neal were in the old cafeteria, which is not used as a cafeteria anymore, just a gymnasium, Dill said.
Wall-mounted tables are also used at Oak Grove, Lake Road and Eugene Field, but have different safety designs, Dill said.
“We felt okay about leaving them in place right now, but we are taking a long, hard look at everything,” he said. “We have no reason to doubt those tables are safe, but out of an abundance of caution, we want to give them a good, hard look.”
A district-wide check of all the wall-mounted tables and safety latches was conducted over the weekend.
“We are going through the district and if there is any question at all, whether how it locks, the hydraulics as its coming down, anything, we are taking a long look at it, and, where necessary, replacing these tables,” Dill said.
Classes at the Early Childhood Center will be cancelled Tuesday afternoon to allow teachers to attend the funeral services of the student who was killed in the accident.
“We want to allow them to express their sympathies to the family and grieve appropriately,” Dill said.
Other students were present at the time of the accident Friday, officials reported.
Grief counselors and faith-based partners will be available for students, teachers, parents and anyone else who needs assistance, Dill said.
District personnel reached out to students who were present or may have witnessed any of the situation and their parents, Dill said, and are offering services as needed.
The services are extended to anyone who may need assistance by contacting Central Office, a principal’s office or anyone with the school district.
“We will assure assistance if needed to get through this difficult time,” Dill said.
An autopsy was performed Saturday on the 4-year-old student by Dr. Russell Deidiker in Farmington, Missouri, according to Butler County Coroner Andy Moore.
“Due to the age of the child and grieving parents, I’m not going to release details of the autopsy or his name,” Moore said Saturday afternoon. “The autopsy did show injuries consistent with what we found where the accident happened at the Early Childhood Center yesterday.”
The accident occurred when the student approached one of the wall mounted tables “and apparently pushed a bench connected to it,” Dill said that day.
The table released and struck the student.
The boy was immediately transported to the on site nursing office, where care was administered, as well as CPR, officials said.
The student was then taken by ambulance to Poplar Bluff Regional Medical Center.
Classes at the Early Childhood Center were dismissed for the remainder of Friday afternoon.