We have many beautiful songs written about the birth of our Lord and Savior that inspired us to have faith in him and to love and serve him. Many of our deepest feelings can be expressed best in poetry and song. Such was the case in announcing the birth of Jesus who was to become our Savior.
After an angel had appeared unto some shepherd a little way outside of Bethlehem, saying: "Fear not, for I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people; For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:10, 11. Then suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly hosts praising God, and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and earth peace, goodwill to men." v. 14.
I want to ask three simple questions about the singing of angels. 1. To who do they sing? I may not know to whom they may sing. I know at least one time they sang to some rustic shepherds near Bethlehem. Their song might well have been heard by the worshippers in the temple or by the priests before the altar, but it wasn't. Why? I may not know, but may I venture to say they did not hear it because their hearts and ears were not tuned to heavenly music. God knew the shepherds would give their best response. They left their flocks to go find the Christ child and returned to the field glorifying God. 2. Why do angels sing? Again, I may not know. I do know they came one time to celebrate the birth of God's son; man's Savior-The greatest event was worthy of the greatest music. We can appreciate their song only if we understand the plight of man that night. In the dark night of sin he had lost his way. His lusts may have been satisfied, but his soul was sick. He was groping in his own self-righteousness for he had lost God's law in his own traditions-he needed a fresh word from God, and, unknowingly, he was about to receive it. For the word was about to be made flesh and dwell among us. 3. What do they sing? They may sing songs we do not hear, but one song they sang was heard by mortal man. It was about God and man and peace and goodwill. What better thing could they sing about? Its word were: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill to men, through Him whose birth we celebrate Christmas time." Amidst all the family gatherings, feasting, fun and fellowship in celebrating our Savior's birth, join with the angels in their glorious song.