November 25, 2018

The ladies of the Agee Community Club celebrated the club's 86-year anniversary of never failing to have a monthly meeting. The meeting was held at the 5 Star China Buffet, with club president Cathy Womack as hostess. Womack opened the meeting with the ladies repeating the club motto, "When the heart is full of love the world is full of beauty," and then offering the invocation. Secretary and treasurers reports were given by Jeanie Figgins, old and new business was discussed...

The ladies of the Agee Community Club celebrated the club's 86-year anniversary of never failing to have a monthly meeting.

The meeting was held at the 5 Star China Buffet, with club president Cathy Womack as hostess. Womack opened the meeting with the ladies repeating the club motto, "When the heart is full of love the world is full of beauty," and then offering the invocation. Secretary and treasurers reports were given by Jeanie Figgins, old and new business was discussed.

Election of officers was done, and each lady will keep her position for the upcoming year. Womack, president; Nickey Orton, vice president; Nadine Johnson, historian; Figgins, secretary/treasurer.

Traditional reading of the clubs' history, by-laws, and how the club has evolved through the 86 years. This month was needlework month, but there were no submissions this year. Perfect attendance was earned by Johnson and Figgins. The Christmas project was discussed and voted on. Roll call was answered by stating, "What are you thankful for?" Devotional was from I Corinthians 16: 13-14 read by Figgins and "Convenience or Conviction" by Michael Guido from the Clay County, Arkansas Times Democrat was read by Orton. The lesson was given by Johnson who gave out a handout on the 60 ways that you can use a dryer sheet for other things around the home, she then shared magazines with the ladies who wanted one followed by copies of the Black River Times. A poem written by belated honorary member Orel Smith was read from her book of poetry titled, "Blessings Abound," read by Figgins. Each lady took turns reading articles from the Black River Times and found them delightful. Door prize was won by Johnson who will also be the hostess for December.

The ladies dismissed by repeating the club collect, "Be Still and Know that I am God," Psalms 46:10. The ladies then took an anniversary picture.
