November 20, 2018

A possible new factory could bring at least 45 full-time jobs to Poplar Bluff, according to officials, who believe it will be at least February before any announcements can be made. The unnamed company was discussed Monday with the Poplar Bluff City Council, who held a public hearing regarding grant funds for road and bridge repairs prior to their regular meeting...

A possible new factory could bring at least 45 full-time jobs to Poplar Bluff, according to officials, who believe it will be at least February before any announcements can be made.

The unnamed company was discussed Monday with the Poplar Bluff City Council, who held a public hearing regarding grant funds for road and bridge repairs prior to their regular meeting.

Interest by a company in a spot near the Poplar Bluff Industrial Park could help the city secure nearly $1 million from the state Community Development Block Grant program.

No announcements regarding the company can be made until the end of the CDBG process, which could be in February, said city manager Mark Massingham.

Removal and replacement of the South 11th Street bridge would cost approximately $431,000, according to city documents. Road improvements, including new asphalt, are estimated to cost $537,000.

The CDBG program would pick up 85 percent of the expenses, if approved by the Missouri Department of Economic Development.

"This bridge has needed replaced for years," said Massingham. "This is really a windfall for the city. Our share is 15 percent, which on both projects, we're out $122,000."

City money would come from the 2019 capital improvement budget, he said. The council is expected to approve the next fiscal year's budget in December.

The bridge and road project is seen as a job creation effort, according to Felicity Brady, executive director of the Ozark Foothills Regional Planning Commission, which is assisting with the grant application.

Community facility improvements also fall in the top five priorities under a needs assessment completed in 2017 for a previous CDBG application, she said.

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The council discussed reassessing the needs, which listed job training and housing above facility improvements. The South 11th Street project may be listed as the top priority under a new needs assessment, they said.

Council members expect to vote Dec. 3 on an engineer for the project.

Proposals were received from three Poplar Bluff companies, Smith & Co., Horner & Shifrin, and Mathis and Associates.

City officials assigned points to the firms based on criteria including experience, capacity to perform this type of work, proximity to the area and references. A total of 120 points were possible, with Smith earning 119, Horner 116 and Mathis 115.

Resident Greg West asked that the city and engineers to consider making improvements to the bridge to allow water from Pike Creek to flow away from the area more quickly. This would reduce the flooding hazard for his business, Mills Iron Supply, and the neighboring Robertson Contractors, West said.

The council authorized the mayor to submit the 11th Street grant application and a second application related to the municipal airport.

Airport grant

The city is asking the Missouri Department of Transportation-Aviation Section for funds to complete an airport master plan and updated airport layout plan. The $150,000 project would include $135,000 in state funding, if approved, with the remainder from the city.

Work would include a topographical and boundary survey of the airport property, along with research and design required for completion of both plans, according to city documents.

It has been about 20 years since previous planning attempts were made and this is in dire need of updating, officials said in the grant application. This would help the city define and organize projects that need to occur for the growth and development of the airport, they said.

In other business, Massingham reported Roxie Road reopened last week after paving work. The city plans to do additional overlay and widening of Roxie to align it with the Shelby Road extension, he said. The city had hoped to complete the work this fall, but because of the weather it will likely take place in the spring, Massingham explained.

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