November 20, 2018

As we approach the time of the year when we set aside a day of national thanksgiving, I think it is appropriate that we pause from our overly busy lives to take a good, long look at our lifestyle, our sense of values and our general attitude toward these things...

As we approach the time of the year when we set aside a day of national thanksgiving, I think it is appropriate that we pause from our overly busy lives to take a good, long look at our lifestyle, our sense of values and our general attitude toward these things.

Gratitude is a feeling within the heart of sincere thankfulness to another for things received, services rendered, kind words spoken or for a silent influence that encourages, strengthens and the assurance someone loves and cares. It may be expressed in words, by kind deeds, even by tears when words fail. Just suppose you were opening Christmas greetings, some of which contained a $10 or $20 bill, then you open one with a check enclosed made to you and your wide for $10,000 with a note saying: "The Lord has blessed me with more money than I will ever need, and I want to share some of it with you. You were my pastor for several years, and we worshipped together, worked in Vacation Bible School and Youth Camp with each other, and I appreciate your faithfulness." How could I find words to thank her? I felt like the Psalmist who said, "There are no words by which to tell" how much I appreciate her love and generosity to former pastor. The Lord knew I was needing to trade for a better car so he provided a means for me to do so.

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What creates within us a sense of gratitude or thankfulness? Is it a part of our nature? A result of training? Perhaps several things. I believe more than anything I know it is our basic attitude toward God, toward others and toward life in general.

Ingratitude is one man's worst sins. Let us look at a case of both gratitude and ingratitude as recorded in Luke 17:11-18, the healing of the 10 lepers. There were 10 men dying a slow and painful death together. They were cast away from their homes and family and from society, hopeless and helpless until Jesus came along and sent them to the priests, and they were all healed. One of them turned back and with a loud voice glorified God and fell at Jesus' feet, giving thanks: and he was a Samaritan. Jesus said, "Where are the nine?" We, of course, do not know, but I suspect the nine were grateful but just did not bother to find Jesus after they were healed. Their attitude may have been, "He will not expect us to find Him and thank Him; after all, it did not cost Him anything."

May we be careful about our attitude of gratitude as we approach our national Thanksgiving Day.

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