November 20, 2018

Well another election day has come and gone. Don't worry, there will be another two years from now. But for now the campaign ads will cease for about six months then here we go again, more smear ads and tactics by both sides of the forum for about 18 months. Just as bad as starting Christmas commercials on television in September...

Well another election day has come and gone. Don't worry, there will be another two years from now. But for now the campaign ads will cease for about six months then here we go again, more smear ads and tactics by both sides of the forum for about 18 months. Just as bad as starting Christmas commercials on television in September.

I am penning this on Election Day which of course is the day after President Donald Trump made his appearance at the Show Me Center in Cape. I watched every minute of this appearance and I will say he is a man of his word.

Elections are an evil thing where everyone's fangs grow out, claws extend from the fingernails and whatever else takes place when a monster appears. But, they are a necessary evil. The only drawback about the whole election process is this Republican/Democrat thing. Why can't we, in the words of Rodney King, God rest his soul, "All Get Along?"

Why is there so much hate and anger? Why do people want to line the streets, roads and highways, protesting and making life more difficult? I cannot remember in the 57 years I have been alive where this type of atmosphere ever existed.

President Donald Trump has done exactly what he said he was going to do when he was campaigning for his current office. And people hate him for it. He has brought jobs back to the American people, he has cut unemployment and taken many people off of food stamps assistance. Is this not what you want?

Has President Trump done and said things since he was sworn into office to offend people? Yup... sure has. One question... what President while in office has not done the same thing by ticking people off? All have done this. This is why it is such an evil job. You will not make all happy. I actually believe it may be one of the job expectations of a President filed under something like, "Presidential expectations, on Page 14, section III, sub-section 4b, paragraph 3c, line 6 & 7, states, President shall on more than one occasion during their tenure, tick people off, be it American or any other nationality to the point they will block the roads, streets and highways."

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People, give it a rest. The President has been office for two years now and only has six more to go...oops, did I give up a little secret? My bad, should have said only two more years to go but hey, you never know.

The scary part is when he is re-elected...doggonit I did it again. I mean if President Trump is re-elected, and when he completes his second term, I hate to see what follows if it is someone who wants to do what President Trump did by turning America around after the way Ex-President whatever his name was, screwed things up and wants to turn them back to the way what's his name was running office and here we go, back to the past. Going backward instead of forward.

Things to think about.

God bless you all.

-- Roger Burton

Poplar Bluff, Mo.

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