November 6, 2018

An hour after polls opened, 112 voters had exited the Temple Baptist Church proudly wearing "I voted" stickers after exercising what many said was their civic duty. "If you want your voice heard you have to get out and vote," said Michael Miller. "It may not go how you want, but you have to vote."...

An hour after polls opened, 112 voters had exited the Temple Baptist Church proudly wearing "I voted" stickers after exercising what many said was their civic duty.

"If you want your voice heard you have to get out and vote," said Michael Miller. "It may not go how you want, but you have to vote."

Miller cast a vote in today's mid-term election shortly after 7 a.m. at Temple Baptist Church.

"We need to get America back where we once were," he said. "It has gone downhill the last few years and get back on our feet."

When stepping into the voting booth, Miller said he favors candidates who are honest and have integrity. He also looks back at their history before casting his vote.

Sheila Vinson also made her voice heard today because, she said, it's a citizen's responsibility and honor to vote.

According to Temple Baptist Church election judges Angela Belt and Shirley Harwell, voters were lined up outside the doors when polls opened at 6 a.m.

"For a mid-term election we have had a higher voter turnout so far," Belt said. "I think it's because of the amendments and propositions."

The scene was similar at the Kay M. Porter Theater, which was filled with citizens waiting in line, standing in voting booths and placing voted stickers on their chests.

At 6 a.m. voters were lined up there also, anxiously waiting to cast their ballot.

"I haven't seen people lined up since the presidential election," election judge Linda Childress said. "That lets you know it's going to be a good day."

As of 8 a.m., 142 voters had passed through the polling location.

Among those were Christy Frazier-Moore, who said it was her duty to her county to get out and vote.

"Every vote counts," she said. "I have dreams of how our country could be."

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When casting a vote for a candidate, Frazier-Moore said being very community and civic minded, she looks at what a person has done prior to being on the ballot.

While several items on the ballot have similar language, Frazier-Moore said she did her research to see what each side could do for the community and state of Missouri.

"All are equally important to the progress and traditions of the state," she said.

Shirley Bruce said voting is very important to her and during this election cycle she wanted to see a particular candidate voted out of office.

While many citizens made their way to the polls this morning, Bruce encourages everyone to get out and vote during the day.

"I worked for 27 years at Briggs & Stratton so I couldn't vote until after 3 p.m., so come out and vote," she said.

While a regular voter in all elections, Angela Towner said Amendment 2, which would allow the use of medical marijuana for medical purposes, brought her to the polls this morning.

Towner suffers from epilepsy and said anything that can reduce the number of medications needed for seizures is a vote for her.

"Our voices need to be heard," she said. "We can't let people who want to play God be over you."

Candidates who are trustworthy and honest received a vote from Towner as well.

"You can tell from someone's eyes if they are trustworthy," she said.

Candidates who take part in opponent bashing during their campaigns will not receive Towner's vote. She added she would rather hear what the candidates stand behind instead of wasting time trashing people.

Citizens have until 7 p.m. to cast their vote within their precinct.

"Go out and vote," Towner said. "I'll take you if you need a ride."

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