The regular meeting of the Puxico R-8 School Board of Education will be held at 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 8, in the Board Room at the Central Administrative Building on the Puxico campus.
Agenda items for the open session will include:
* Approval of the payment of bills/financial reports
SBlt Items of Information/Reports
a. High School Report
b. Junior High School Report
c. Special Education Report
SBlt Superintendent Report
* Old Business
a. Discuss Project prom
b. LJ Hart update
* New Business
a. Set date for Honors Banquet
b. Update on District Testing and Performance data
c. Discuss/Consider Construction Management Agent (Presentation by McKinstry)
d. Discuss Strategic Plan for Facility Development
e. Discuss purchase of bus
f. Approve opening and closing dates to file as a school board director
g. Approve to elect two (2) directors in the 04/02/2019 election
h.. Consider Southeast Wellness Screening Services
i. Approve OPAA breakfast pricing adjustment
* EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed Session) RSMo.610.021, Section 3, hiring, firing, disciplining or promotion of personnel
RSMo.610.021, Section 6 and 7, scholastic probation, expulsion, or graduation of identifiable individuals, testing and examination materials. c. RSMo.610.021, legal actions, causes of action, or litigation involving a public governmental entity d. Discuss real estate
The next regular board meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m., Dec. 13.