A request Monday for Poplar Bluff to do more to recruit African American police officers and firefighters prompted a briefly heated conversation with some city council members.
Pastor Spencer Jones addressed the city council during a public comment period of their regular meeting.
Jones said he was concerned with the current lack of African Americans at the police and fire departments. The city also has never had an African American serve on the advisory board of Municipal Utilities, he said, and does not have a street named for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Jones, of Poplar Bluff, said he is a member of the ministry People United to Save Urban America.
"If nothing is done, then we have to start praying and start marching and I don't want that. You don't want that. But I am saying to you very clearly, that we will not sit back too long. We've waited too long. We've done nothing," said Jones, who is African American.
Council member at-large Ron Black said he was unsure what the council was being told.
"I almost hear a threat and that's kind of what I heard. If I did, then I don't appreciate it," he said.
Mayor Susan McVey said the city has had African American police and fire department members in the past.
No applications were received from African American candidates in recent hiring, said city manager Mark Massingham.
It is urgent this situation be addressed, Jones said.
McVey and Black asked for clarification on what was urgent.
It's urgent the city select a prominent street to be renamed, and that it become more intentional in its hiring practices, seeking out African American candidates, Jones said.
"I say it with all the love and kindness, it is urgent. It's not something we are going to allow you to put on the back burner and not address," he said.
Massingham said he understood, but that it may be a year or two before another position comes open at the police or fire department. Positions typically only open upon a retirement, he said.
The city should keep open any available spot until an African American candidate is found, Jones responded.
"I think we are an equal opportunity employer, then we hire the best people," Black said.
Massingham agreed the city would hire the best people, adding there have been great African American police officers and firemen in the city.
"You'll get some more if you are intentional," said Jones.
The city has a responsibility to hire the best candidates, Black said.
"I've dealt with people like you all the time. Your spirit is bad and that's why we have confrontation and marches and stuff like that, because of people like you," Jones said, speaking to Black. "We will be back here in December, January, February. We're going to come. The line will be drawn in the sand, you can do what you want to do."