November 6, 2018

From Staff Reports Puxico Board of Aldermen appointed a new fire chief and discussed dangerous buildings, cemetery headstones and selected a date for the Christmas dinner during a recent meeting. The board accepted Stacy Starnes' resignation as fire chief with Starnes continuing to serve as a member of the fire department...

From Staff Reports

Puxico Board of Aldermen appointed a new fire chief and discussed dangerous buildings, cemetery headstones and selected a date for the Christmas dinner during a recent meeting.

The board accepted Stacy Starnes' resignation as fire chief with Starnes continuing to serve as a member of the fire department.

President of the Board GS Kilbreth presided in Mayor McLean absence. Kilbreth, appointed Eugene Goodale fire chief and the other aldermen approved the appointment. Assistant fire chiefs will be appointed at the next regular meeting upon the recommendation of the new fire chief.

Other aldermen attending were Gary Burns, Peter Coutavas and Charles Fann.

The City Christmas dinner will be at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 13. Plans are to ask Lynn Holloway to cater the dinner with the mayor and the aldermen paying for the meals.

The Puxico Board of Aldermen decided to delay the decision on tombstone size to give community members more time to respond. The city clerk stated since the article asking for citizens' opinions on the placement of flat/upright monuments in Section A and B in the city cemetery had just been published, there has not been enough time to receive citizens' input and the board's decision should be postponed until the November regular meeting.

Cindy Bates and Curtis Hale, residents of the city, discussed problems occurring in their neighborhood involving the properties owned by Norman Ogles. Bates stated the property located at 191 W. Harbin has no water or electricity, much of the inside has been trashed by squatters, and it is rat infested. There is a travel trailer parked in the drive of this property that seems to have many people coming and going from it. Bates stated she also felt meth was being made on this property.

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Marshal Rick Sheren stated because of a fire on the property, his office obtained a warrant to search the properties including the travel trailer. Drug paraphernalia was found in the house at 191 W. Harbin, but since no one is living there, the owner of the paraphernalia could not be determined. The drug task force also had found meth on Ogles himself, but he was released to go to the hospital. Sheren stated he has arrested Ogles on drug related charges seven times but he continually is being released because of health issues.

The aldermen moved the mayor contact the city attorney, explain the situation and determine what the city can do as quickly as possible to alleviate the problem. Since the process of declaring the building a dangerous building/health hazard and requiring the building be demolished could take several months, the Board hopes that there is a quicker solution.

In a written report, David Hawhorne, maintenance supervisor, provided the scheduled sewer project bid opening information.

Marshal Sheren reported the marshal's office has worked several cases and assisted the county and highway patrol on seven occasions. Several people had been picked up on either city or state warrants. His office had investigated a burglary at the Winery on Davis Avenue and an opioid overdose death.

Larry Doublin, animal control officer, with winter nearing, he needs to place tarp around the cages as a windbreak. He also asked the maintenance department to move the pieces of asphalt that were toppling into the dog pound area from a discard pile.

After reading the written library report, Teresa Morris was appointed substitute librarian.

Robin Pastori, who is the management agent for Puxico Senior Housing, stated the tenants have a problem with someone knocking on doors late at night. She has asked the police to have a noticeable presence at the project but did not feel like this was being done. The marshal, who was not present at this time, had stated earlier that the night reserve officer goes off duty somewhere between midnight and 2 a.m. and the phone is forwarded to his cell phone. Anyone needing police late at night can reach him by calling the police station.

The fire department had not given the city clerk any information needed for the FEMA grant application. The board asked the fire chief to get this information to the clerk so that it could be given to the grant writer.

The clerk asked the board what it wished her do about finding a new custodian to replace the one that was leaving. The board asked an ad be placed in the paper asking for applicants for the position.

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