"I do not ask on behalf of these alone, but for those also who believe in Me through their word;that they may all be one;even as You, Father,arein Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us,so that the world maybelieve thatYou sent Me." John 17:20-21
How important is church unity?
Well ... Jesus prayer emphasized it, hours before his betrayal and crucifixion. He prayed for his return to glory, he prayed for us, he prayed for those who believe in the apostles' teaching.
He prayed for our unity around the Gospel. He prayed we would be one, united together on the apostles' teaching.
Notice we are united by a commonality.The common denominator all genuine Christians share is we have been born again (the Holy Spirit has given us a new will and nature).
Therefore, we are trusting in nothing else by Jesus' perfect life, death in our place, and resurrection to reconcile us to God, forgiven of all our sins. Faith in Jesus and a life that follows Jesus is not something that originates in oneself but is the gift of God.
The Spirit of God making us new through the Word of God shared and preached, and our commitment to the Gospel of Jesus as revealed in Scripture, breaks down and destroys all social, ethnic and economic barriers that divide people.
Paul states inGalatians 3:28, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave[a]nor free,there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."
In a world that divides over everything, the Gospel unites people who are different with a bond and a supernatural love that is meant to cause the world to scratch their heads in wonder at the love and unity they see in a local body of believers.
Jesus conveys that our unity proclaims to the world that God sent Jesus to save sinners. Jesus taught here that our unity as His people is to reflect His unity with the Father. Our unity around the Gospel, and our supernatural love for another in the Gospel, witnesses to the world concerning Jesus and His glory.
This is why disunity and divisive behavior are absolutely unacceptable to God. Per the Scripture, He hates it.
Division destroys the testimony of the church to its community and the soul of the divisive person before God. To do nothing on both accounts is truly hatred.
Let us never forget that division blasphemies God's name and character. The church is to represent Christ's glory and character on earth, and when we divide, we lie to the world about God.
A professing Christian's lack of unity, continual gossip, and hateful treatment of the church of Jesus may show that they do not have genuine faith at all. They may eventually stand before Jesus and hear Him say to them, "I never knew you."
We are saved by grace through faith alone, but that faith in Jesus will come with a newset of desires consumed with God's glory and a will that loves Jesus and His church with increasing fervency.
Applying this?
Are you divisive? Do you find yourself freely giving your opinions to the hurt of others?
Do you find yourself always stirring the pot and slandering those in the church, the church which is sacred to our God because His Spirit lives in His people?
Are you always involved in a controversy of sorts in the church and life that does not center around the Gospel and essential doctrines?
Do you always see yourself as a victim of sorts, meaning everyone is wrong and you are right?
Do you understand the seriousness of the sin of division for it may even show that you do not have the Holy Spirit living in you?
Division is serious, and we all need to examine ourselves, all the while asking the Lord to give us hearts that love His glory and His truth to such a degree that we refuse to be in any way divisive in His church.
May the sin of divisiveness not be found in the Biblical church of the Lord Jesus. May we be unified around the Biblical Gospel for the glory of God. His glory is worth it!
Miller is a husband, father, pastor and most importantly a follower of the Lord Jesus. He holds a Master of Divinity from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary and a Master of Accounting from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. After many years in the business world as an auditor, Justin left to begin full-time ministry as the lead pastor of First Baptist Church in Puxico. He and his wife JoDawn are the parents of four children. He is the author of "Genuine Christianity."
Editor's note: This is a regular series featuring area religious leaders writing about faith, family and community. To participate or suggest a church, contact us at news@darnews.com or 573-785-1414.