Missouri is at a crossroads regarding transportation infrastructure. With the nation's seventh-largest highway network but a ranking of 46th in revenue per mile, we have been critically underfunding our transportation system for years. This is a concern not only for our statewide economy, but for the safety of all drivers and their passengers in our state.
Poor roadway conditions are costing Missourians. According to MoDOT, Missouri drivers pay about $30 per month in fuel taxes and vehicle fees - federal and state combined - to support Missouri's roads and bridges. To put it in perspective, that's much less than the average monthly cell phone plan or cable TV subscription. However, MoDOT estimates the average Missouri driver pays a staggering $172 in hidden costs every month due to traffic congestion, rough roads, and accidents. Increasing transportation funding would help offset these expenses, reduce driving risks, and improve travel time.
Each year we do nothing, our transportation system becomes more dangerous and more expensive to fix. In November, Missourians will vote on Prop D, which increases the fuel tax annually by 2.5 cents for four years to go toward public safety as well as road and bridge construction. This is a good investment, especially given that the buying power of our current fuel tax has been eroded by more than two decades of inflation. Our gas tax is one of the lowest in the nation and hasn't been raised in decades. That's why passing Prop D is critical. Missouri families deserve safer roads.
-- Steve Halter
Greater Poplar Bluff Area Chamber of Commerce, President