All too often our concepts of God are formed, not by his own revelation of himself but by making him after our own image. Because we find some people difficult for us to love, we think God has the same difficulty. Yet we know that it was while we were yet sinners and unconcerned about our alienation from God that Christ came to reconcile us unto God. I have known people who had fallen so deep in sin they thought God would not forgive them and accept them. But God's love and mercy surpasses man's capacity to love and his willingness to be merciful and forgiving. Peter thought he should be willing to forgive another a maximum of seven times. But Jesus said, "Not seven times but seventy times seven." Matthew 18-21, 22. God does not count the times he has forgiven us then cut us off at a given point. Our forgiveness is not dependent upon God's willingness to forgive but upon our repentance and humility. Neither is God's love for us dependent upon our response to his love. His love is constant, never diminishing when we spurn it or try to exploit it, even when forced to bring judgement, he loves us. On contemplating upon the greatness, the mercy, the wisdom and love of God, the Apostle Paul exclaimed, "O the depths of the riches both the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgements and his ways past finding out!" Romans 11:33. That is why he is God--a God that surpasses in every way our limited and distorted thinking about him. That is why we should study with renewed interest and vigor his revelation of himself to us through his word and quit trying to fit him into our own small and petty concepts.