September 26, 2018

Stoddard County Commissioners appointed a new member to the Senate Bill 40 Board Monday morning, following the resignation of Larry McGonigal during the board's July meeting. Rev. Dale Holman was appointed to the board by a roll call vote of the commissioners. Holman, along with Daniel Robinson and Lacy Bennett were up for consideration...

Stoddard County Commissioners appointed a new member to the Senate Bill 40 Board Monday morning, following the resignation of Larry McGonigal during the board's July meeting.

Rev. Dale Holman was appointed to the board by a roll call vote of the commissioners. Holman, along with Daniel Robinson and Lacy Bennett were up for consideration.

Holman received votes from Commissioners Steve Jordan and Carol Jarrell to be appointed to the board.

"I think he is the most qualified and an outsider," Jordan said of Holman when casting his vote.

Jarrell followed her vote for Holman citing his history of working with the developmentally handicapped. She also added he has two brothers with disabilities.

Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis, who was not in attendance, cast his vote for Robinson over speaker phone during the meeting.

"I think he is by far the most qualified and talked to us two times previously about being on SB40 with an interest," he said.

Abandonment of Roads in Swinton

Gabe Hazel, an attorney at Michael Moroni's law office in Bloomfield, approached the commission regarding the abandonment of roads in Swinton along a client's property.

According to a plat map from 1911, roads that were never developed were shown going through a 13 acre field on Hazel's client's property about a half mile west of County Road 223.

Hazel said he is asking the roads be vacated in the event his client were ever interested in selling the property.

After his research, Hazel said he could not located anyone who remembers tax payer money being spent to develop the roads.

According to County Clerk Joe Watson, a petition would be required if 12 or more residents were effected by this abandonment, but there are not 12 residents in the area.

The property is located in the New Lisbon Township, so Watson recommended a meeting of the board regarding the request.

Hazel said he would send the board a letter of what he was asking, get their input and report back to the commission.

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Aerial Maps

Commissioners approved a bid from EagleView Technologies for aerial maps for the assessor's office.

The bid of $45,749 will not be due until next year and the county is satisfied with the photos, Assessor Dan Creg told commissioners.

The last time the county flew for aerial maps was almost 12 years ago, Creg added. He estimated about 800 homes not included as well as out buildings and new subdivisions in the current maps.

Violation Notice

The county received a violation notice from the city of Bloomfield regarding the old Methodist Church property.

Jordan reported he inquired about borrowing a backhoe to clean the property.

"There is hardly no way to mow the area," he said.

In addition to overgrown weeds, Jordan reported a tree down on the property and another needed to be removed.

Flood Plains

Emergency Management Agency Director Kent Polsgrove reported work is still being completed on flood plains maps for the county.

During Polsgrove's report last month, he warned changes could be coming with the new, detailed maps.

Property included in flood plains before might be removed, but areas could be pulled into flood plains that were not previously included.

One common question Polsgrove said he has received from people looking to build is how high or how much fill they need for their proposed projects.

While Polsgrove said surveyor's numbers might not be accepted with the new maps in the works, he suggests citizens talk to a surveyor who would be willing to do the work or wait until the maps are ready.

"We have been almost assured they will be placed by 2020," he said.

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