September 26, 2018

The Bloomfield Board of Education met Sept. 10 for its regular meeting. High school student body president Tyrah Hartle spoke to the board about the upcoming school carnival. The school carnival will take place on Oct. 18, during the parent/teacher conference times. Many clubs/organizations are helping with the carnival. More information will be available later in the month...

The Bloomfield Board of Education met Sept. 10 for its regular meeting.

High school student body president Tyrah Hartle spoke to the board about the upcoming school carnival. The school carnival will take place on Oct. 18, during the parent/teacher conference times. Many clubs/organizations are helping with the carnival. More information will be available later in the month.

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The board approved the 2018-19 school bus routes, the professional development handbook, and several policy/procedural updates. All changes dealt with state and federal law/regulation changes, according to the district.

The board discussed the remodel/addition of the high school gym lobby. Superintendent Toni Hill also gave a report of what was discussed at the district strategic planning facilities committee meeting and the community stakeholder's committee meeting. Both committees gave input on what they would like to see on the high school gym lobby remodel, she said.

In executive session, the board approved three substitutes pending proper paperwork and background check: Christy Ellis, Tyler Wilkison, Fran Hendley.

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