September 18, 2018

It has been quiet a while since I have written, but enough is enough and I must set the record straight concerning our President and the attitude of everyone who thinks like Marc (Thiessen). I will make short and very clear. Those who think that President Trump's supporters are in the minority are in total denial of the facts, and I'm not talking about the facts according to "truth squads" of George Soro's controlled search sights like Google, Wikileaks, Snoopes, etc. ...

It has been quiet a while since I have written, but enough is enough and I must set the record straight concerning our President and the attitude of everyone who thinks like Marc (Thiessen).

I will make short and very clear. Those who think that President Trump's supporters are in the minority are in total denial of the facts, and I'm not talking about the facts according to "truth squads" of George Soro's controlled search sights like Google, Wikileaks, Snoopes, etc. President Trump's attitude toward John McCain and all the other deep state traitors, is exactly like those of us who have, for over a century, gotten a belly full of the politically correct "elite."

Even though the "elites" refuse to admit it, there is a real reason at least 3 different groups of former and current military groups are trying to get the REAL John McCain military records made public. If it wasn't for the deep state cover up, all Americans would be able to judge for themselves.

As for President Trump's speaking, it is refreshing to hear our President speak without the aid of a speech writer and a teleprompter. In nearly 75 years, I have found that a person usually speaks from their heart without the aid of controlers, whereas those who rely on "prepared" statements, usually are speaking the opinion of someone else.

One last word of advice to the deep state and all those who support it. There are MILLIONS of true American people who LOVE President Trump, and ANY attempt to remove him will be met by those MILLIONS and we are armed and know how to WIN!

-- Eldon Wright

