June 5, 2018

Beginning in June, Stoddard County Sheriff's Department personnel will be paid monthly for any over time hours worked and no comp time will be accumulated. Sheriff Carl Hefner reported to county commissioners Tuesday morning he had three deputies who tracked their comp time, which was validated through radio logs...

Beginning in June, Stoddard County Sheriff's Department personnel will be paid monthly for any over time hours worked and no comp time will be accumulated.

Sheriff Carl Hefner reported to county commissioners Tuesday morning he had three deputies who tracked their comp time, which was validated through radio logs.

"Others said they don't keep track of their comp time because they were never going to get it and it would be added work," Hefner said.

The county will reimburse the three deputies who tracked their comp time, totaling nearly $3,000. All employees will then start with a clean slate beginning June 1.

With time cards being submitted a few days before the end of a month to prepare payroll, County Clerk Joe Watson said any over time hours worked on the remaining days would appear on the next month's check.

Hefner, Chief Deputy Andy Holden and commissioners also discussed allowing deputies to bank 40 hours and anything worked over would be considered over time.

While all three commissioners agreed they did not like the idea of banking hours, Hefner admitted he was not a fan of the idea as well.

"So we are in agreement because I didn't like the 40 hours idea either," Hefner said. "I was just trying to come up with something we all could agree on."

Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis suggested anything over 40 hours worked by the sheriff's department employees would be considered over time and be paid time and a half. There would be no comp time, only sick leave and vacation time for employees to use.

"If you just pay them for what they work and no comp time, you don't have to worry about it and it will make our jobs a lot easier," Hefner said.

Commissioners will meet monthly with Hefner and Holden to look over the amount of over time hours earned by each employee. The group will then hear why the hours were earned and discuss what can be done to rectify the problem for the future.

"I want to keep a closer look at the times," Mathis said.

According to Hefner, a majority of over time hours are earned when deputies are subpoenaed for court.

"They wait hours then they are not needed because a deal has been made in court," Hefner said.

Commissioners suggested someone from the prosecuting attorney's office sending a text or email if a deputy is no longer needed for court to reduce the over time hours.

Hefner also reported he was still short two deputies, which leads to employees working extra hours to cover shifts.

According to Mathis, vacation time for sheriff's department personnel will be discussed during a later meeting.

Justice Center Chiller

Maintenance Supervisor William Dowdy informed commissioners the chiller, which feeds air inside the Justice Center, was operating off only one of the two stages in the unit.

Dowdy said the unit had a leak in the stage two and was last repaired for the same issue five years ago.

To repair the chiller, which moves 2,040 cubic feet of air each day, it would have to be torn apart, locate the leak and then patched.

While repairing is considerably less expensive, Dowdy believes the chiller will leak again, as it has done twice already.

"We fixed it five years ago and here we are again," he said. "My fear is you could pump $1,000 or $20,000 into it and next summer here we go again."

To replace the chiller, Dowdy said time is the biggest problem since the unit has to be built and is not something "in stock."

The county received one quote, which only included a five year compressor warranty and one year on all other parts and labor.

"I think we need more warranty than one year if we are spending that amount of money," Commissioner Steve Jordan said.

Commissioner Carol Jarrell agreed she would like to see more than a one year warranty.

"Personally, I feel like we need to go with a new chiller," she said. "We don't know if this is going to last a year or five years and we could be back at square one."

Juvenile Detention Center Director Judi Hampton was asked what options were available for the children being serviced if the unit were out of service for a week or so.

She reported sending the children to other locations during the repair time was an option. She also added summer was the slowest time for her office.

Mathis questioned if any other companies in the area made the product specific chiller and if proposed bids be taken for a unit.

Jordan said he was open to taking bids, but did not want the project to drag out

"If we started this earlier in the spring, I would be all for bids," Jarrell said. "I see this as an emergency situation and need for the children and Judi."

Commissioners agreed to make a decision during next week's meeting on whether or not to repair, replace or receive bids on the chiller based on whether or not the current company would offer a longer warranty.

Agri-Ready County Designation Renewal

Commissioners signed a two-year renewal designating Stoddard County as an Agri-Ready County.

This designation, a program of Missouri Farmers Care, partners with counties that actively support Missouri agriculture. The partnership is voluntary and no cost for counties to participate.
