Citizens were appointed Monday to serve on about 20 Poplar Bluff advisory boards.
This is a service that is valuable to the city and residents, according to Tucker Davis, who has completed his last term with the Municipal Utilities Advisory Board. Davis has been on the board since 2008.
"It never hurts to have a fresh set of eyes, someone to ask questions," Davis said Monday, after serving as chairman for his last advisory board meeting, adding, "It's good for both sides, I think. We have such good people that make this city work. It never hurts for people like me to be educated on it."
The utility board has tackled tough topics, including the commingling of funds with other city departments, a question raised in recent and past years.
"A lot of smart people worked a long time to keep those funds separate and they had a good reason for doing so," said Davis, who left the board because he no long lives in the city limits.
Citizens on the advisory board have long argued the city should be cautious in mixing ratepayer money with taxpayer money, to preserve the strength of utility funds.
Davis feels the knowledge of experienced or long-term board members also offers value to the city.
Ray McManus is the second generation of his family to serve on the electrical wiring board. An electrician, he also brings industry knowledge to the board.
Others bringing industry experience to the advisory boards include former city inspector Fred Crook, who was named to the Fair Housing board.
It is very important citizens be a part of these processes, Mayor Susan McVey said during a council meeting Monday, when the appointments were approved.
Citizens should take these responsibilities seriously, she said.
Citizen committee appointments are for three or four year terms, with a maximum of three terms. Individuals who serve the maximum terms can be reappointed for terms of one year if there are no other applicants for the position.
Council members are appointed each year to liaison positions.
Council liaisons are:
* McVey -- Arts, Disabilities and Planning and Zoning;
* Steve Davis -- Airport, Animal Control and Historical Preservation;
* Robert Smith -- Black River Coliseum;
* Ron Black -- Building Standards and Residential Housing;
* Barbara Horton -- Downtown PB, Fair Housing, Housing Authority and Library;
* Ed DeGaris -- Municipal Utilities, Planning and Zoning and Zoning Board of Adjustments;
* Shane Cornman -- Park and Tree.
Citizen appointed:
* Airport -- Mack Campbell, Christopher Wright, William Uher;
* Animal Control -- Amanda Knight, Renee Lindley and Heather Cornman;
* Art and museum -- Dale Cannon, Margaret Fletcher and Rose Anne Huck;
* BRC -- Christy Frazier-Moore and Margaret Fletcher;
* Building Standards -- John Cooper, Lonnie Taylor and Mark Long;
* Disabilities -- Renee Lindley;
* Electrical Wiring -- Ronald Rains, Ray McManus, Lyndell Coleman and Gaylen Sanders;
* Fair Housing -- Fred Crook;
* HVACR --Lester Knox, Joe Leahy, Mike Taylor, Doug Hendricks;
* Historical Preservation -- Mack Campbell, Mark Long and Christina Shawan;
* Housing Authority -- Mark Henson;
* Library -- Kathy Sanders, Margaret Fletcher and Karen Crook;
* Utilities -- Sam Schalk, Phillip Rhodes and Brock Littles;
* Park -- John Scott, Jeremy Booker and Terry Mizell;
* P&Z -- Rodney Reagan, Len Morse and Rita Schalk;
* Plumbing -- Josh Frey, Doug Hendricks, Joe Leahy and Rodney Reagan;
* Residential Housing --Matt Winters, James Sisk, Rhenda Hutchison and Greg West;
* Tree -- Emily Wolpers;
* Zoning Board of Adjustments -- Lonnie Taylor;