May 5, 2018

I did not have the usual problem of a subject to write about this week, for a very special day is coming for some very special people--Mother's Day. If anyone deserves to be honored by a special day, it is mothers. Dads are, of course, special in their own way, but mothers have won the heart of the world's people...

I did not have the usual problem of a subject to write about this week, for a very special day is coming for some very special people--Mother's Day. If anyone deserves to be honored by a special day, it is mothers. Dads are, of course, special in their own way, but mothers have won the heart of the world's people.

Mothers, you are special because you, more than anyone else, instill in your children faith and trust in God, faith in life and faith in themselves. How did my mother teach me to have faith in God? Not by formal lessons in theology, for I doubt she even knew the word, but by her trustful faith in him exhibited every day. During the days of the great depression Dad became disabled for nearly a year, and there were five small children still at home, I being the oldest. I had a job in a bakery making six dollars a week for six 12 hour days. When house rent came due it took my whole week's salary, and mother would say, "Son, we will just have to trust in the Lord, and He will see us through." We did, and he did.

Mothers, you are special because you cause your children to learn kindness, gentleness, and good manners from your example. You teach them self-discipline that they may develop a wholesome sense of self-respect.

You are special because of the intensity of your love--self-giving, patient, understanding, over looks faults, and always ready to forgive, even before forgiveness is sought. You can kiss away the pain of a mashed finger, bandage a cut toe, and soothe hurt feelings with a hug. You once washed clothes in a no. 2 wash tub, and rubbed them clean with a rub-a-dub-dub.

Kindly face--Winning smile

Love-lit--All the while


Gave no cause for jealousy

Well worn hands-She surely had

Caring for six children and Dad

Furrowed brow revealed the price

Of a life of sacrifice

Loved until--Her heart was still

At ninety-one not defeated

Life completed

Thoughts of her I fondly cherish

Sweet memories that shall not perish

My mother.

"Her children shall rise up and call her blessed." Proverbs 31:28.
