April 25, 2018

Stoddard County Commissioners decided to reject the one bid received from R.L. Persons Construction of Poplar Bluff for Phase II of the courthouse cupola repair project, which was substantially over the grant amount awarded to the county. "I can't recommend you accept the cost on the bid," Dale Rogers, Robert Stearns and Associates, Inc. president, told commissioners...

Stoddard County Commissioners decided to reject the one bid received from R.L. Persons Construction of Poplar Bluff for Phase II of the courthouse cupola repair project, which was substantially over the grant amount awarded to the county.

"I can't recommend you accept the cost on the bid," Dale Rogers, Robert Stearns and Associates, Inc. president, told commissioners.

Rogers added the bid from R.L. Persons was 300 percent over the allocated cost if only using grant money awarded to the county.

By rejecting the bid, the county had a couple options moving forward.

Rogers told commissioners they could wait 30 days and rebid the project, negotiate with R.L. Persons, rebid the project with revisions or leave the money on the table.

"I hate to leave the project sitting on the table after spending the money you already have to get this far," Rogers said. "But you can't justify that much money to your constitutes."

If revising the bid, Rogers said a silicone base coating option could be added for coating the cupola in addition to the previous material listed in the bid specifications.

"My thoughts are we move forward and rebid with the silicone option and hopefully someone else is interested in doing that sealing," Commissioner Steve Jordan said.

The county was awarded a grant for $60,000 from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources and State Historic Preservation Office for cupola repairs including an alkyd enamel paint finish over copper flashing, apron flashing and counter flashing, removing and replacing the exterior windows, changing the fluid applied roofing warranty to 20-years and installing ceiling panels in the courthouse courtroom.

In addition to the $60,000 grant, the county will contribute $40,000 to the improvements. Construction is to be completed no later than Sept. 1.

Rogers told commissioners with rebidding the project, he believed the work could still be completed by the Sept. 1 deadline.

Commissioners also approved to program a bridge in the Crowder-Zeta Special Road District on County Road 502 for repairs with Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation (BRO) funds.

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Bill Robison with Smith and Company Engineers said he met with Missouri Department of Transportation officials last week at the bridge to discuss its condition.

According to Robison, the bridge deck is in good condition and received an eight out of 10 rating. The super structure of the bridge received a seven rating while the columns received a four.

The metal columns on the bridge are deteriorating and have formed rust at the water line.

While there are no safety issues at this point with the bridge, Robison said MoDOT reported there may be minor movement with the bridge deck and it should be corrected within the next two years.

"We don't want it to get worse," Commissioner Carol Jarrell said.

The two options Robison presented the commission were to replace or rehab the bridge.

Replacing the bridge would be an expensive process, one which Robison estimated costing over $500,000.

The cost to bid out rehabbing the bridge would come in around an estimated $150,000 to $160,000 range at this point Robison said. Those numbers would be refined moving forward.

"I think if this project is done in the near future it will save the bridge," he said. "If we rehab, it will get another 20 plus years for the bridge."

Robison also added he didn't think it would hurt to put the bridge on County Road 502 at the top of the list of current projects.

Jordan encouraged Robison to proceed with moving the bridge to the top of the project list.

"I would rather spend $150,000 to $160,000 than $500,000," Jordan said.

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