April 25, 2018

Jesus, our Lord, the greatest teacher the world has ever known, had much to say about life and death, and about God, life's source, and about our eternal destiny. He assured us the grave is not our final destiny. He knew and understood all about the needs and desires of the human mind and heart. ...

Jesus, our Lord, the greatest teacher the world has ever known, had much to say about life and death, and about God, life's source, and about our eternal destiny. He assured us the grave is not our final destiny. He knew and understood all about the needs and desires of the human mind and heart. He loved mankind (us) enough to leave all the glory of heaven to take upon Himself the seed of Abraham (humanity) that He might show forth the greatest manifestation of the love of God the world has ever known or can know. He knew hunger and thirst, and He knew sorrow, grief and anguish of spirit. He was moved with compassion when He saw anyone in need whether physical, emotional or spiritual.

When He talked about life He spoke of our relationship with God, who is also our heavenly Father, saying: "No one comes to the Father but by Me."

He spoke of the sanctity of the marriage vows, about parents loving their children and instructing them in righteousness. He never spoke of life and being difficult or vain. Life for Him was a glorious fulfillment of the eternal purposes of His father in sending Him to earth to perfect a plan of salvation to redeem us from sin, and to involve us by taking the Gospel to the end of the earth. What trust and privilege!

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When He talked about death, it was not with sorrow or grief as if it were the end, for He could look beyond calvary and the grave to a glorious resurrection unto eternal life: Then say unto Martha, the sister of Mary and Lazarus, "I am the resurrection, and the life; he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live." John 11:25.

When He spoke of material things He told them to not be anxious about tomorrow, but to "Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you." Matthew 6:33.

I firmly believe the promises is still valid in this time of uncertainty.

What a pleasant thought to ponder on.

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