Want answers
Yea these new electric meters Municipal Utilities has put in throughout the whole city of Poplar Bluff are basically a bunch of B.S. My electric bill has went from basically $120 dollars to almost $400 and it's happening all over town of Poplar Bluff. And everybody is griping, they are not giving us answers of the reason why. Thank you bye.
cool or what?
I love Speakout, I really do. I had this funny thing I had to ask you to print. They got all these commercials on TV about you stop smokin' and only the poor white trash are the only ones who buy cigarettes. That just burns me up. But yet they are legalizing marijuana. So, um, is that cool or what? Thank you. I love Speakout! Bye bye.
Hit and run
You know I find it amazing I see every week in the paper where someone is arrested for leaving the scene of an accident. Or hit and run and leaving the scene of an accident. They are arrested and charged with that. Why is that not the case with everybody? Thank you.
Report the dirt
Yeah I don't know why these companies got people comin' out cleanin' house for elders and they don't check on 'em. And people are gonna have to start callin' Medicare and Medicaid and reportin' those companies that are not doin', makin' their workers do the work like they should. Thank yass
I live on County Road 523 on the gravel. We have somebody that has no clue on how to uh, do the road. He brings the biggest boulders out you've ever seen. I've already complained once they supposedly came out here with 'em to show 'em how to grade a road and it's not been changed in fact it's been worse and I can't git the commissioner to even answer his phone. Uh, I'm just at, um, I am distraught with somebody. Please come out here and look at County Road 523 and find a different road grader. My uh, If I had a baby it could do a better job than this.