March 28, 2018

It was spring-time in old Jerusalem-the city of God for a thousand years; and spring-time was Passover time for God's people (the Jews). It was jubilant time, for it was a celebration of their deliverance from Egyptian bondage. It was the time when all the faithful went to Jerusalem to kill the Passover lamb and pay their temple tax. ...

It was spring-time in old Jerusalem-the city of God for a thousand years; and spring-time was Passover time for God's people (the Jews). It was jubilant time, for it was a celebration of their deliverance from Egyptian bondage. It was the time when all the faithful went to Jerusalem to kill the Passover lamb and pay their temple tax. It was their high feast of the year-enthusiasm was high, and something new was added this year, for when the religious leaders heard the sound of the tramping feet of a multitude coming down the slope of the mount of Olives toward the eastern gate of Jerusalem, they began to inquire what all the chanting and shouting was about. Look! said one, who is riding that ugly little old donkey? He seems to be leading the procession...Yes, look! said another, whoever it is the people are taking off their outer garments and laying them down in His path, and others are breaking off palm branches to carpet His path before Him. Ah, yes, the king is coming-the King is coming! But how little they were aware this donkey rider was their longed for Messiah, who was destined to become King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Revelations 19:16. God does things differently than men. Men like to put on a show. An earthly king would wear a gold and diamond-studded crown, and come riding in a golden chariot drawn by the finest of horses, with an elaborate honor guard. But God pokes fun at the vanity and pomposity of men, and has His Son ride a scrawny little donkey and wear a crown of thorns.

As the throng drew near the sound of their chanting became discernible-they were shouting: "Hosanna to the son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord: Hosanna in the highest!" Matthew 21:9. Hosanna in the Hebrew means "save now." Pitiably, they were wanting to be saved from the Roman yoke, not from their sins. Oh, how often we miss the principal point in our religion. We try constantly to be good, which we should do, but then miss the joy and thrill of shouting or singing our praises unto Him who died to redeem us, from a loving, affectionate heart.

When the religious leaders heard the glad "Hosannas" they said, We cannot permit this-it must be stopped, for soon everyone will be following this man who teaches contrary to Moses' law-He who is challenging our authority, and deceiving the people.

Then some of the Pharisees went to Him and said, "Master, rebuke your followers: can't You see they are ascribing unto you praise and honor that belong only unto you?" But Jesus said, "I tell you if these people withhold their praises, then the rocks will cry out." Luke 19:40. What a lesson for today! God's Son shall be praised. If men become so proud as to withhold their praises, then God will cause the inanimate objects of nature to shout His praises.

On with the procession! He must be calling out to all who wear His name-Follow Me unto victory. It may lead to a cross, or cause you to be unacceptable to a secularized, sex obsessed, sophisticated world. It shall perish, but the King is coming, riding on the clouds, not a donkey. So, be ready to meet Him.
