During their last meeting before the April 3 election, the Twin Rivers R-X Board of Education reflected once more over Proposition K.I.D.S. and offered community members an opportunity to ask questions about the potential project or concerns.
"We are two weeks away from election day," Superintendent Jeremy Siebert said. "We will see where it lies and we will move on whichever direction we need to move on."
Board President Lee Lewis said he was pleased with the turnout of citizens at previous board meetings and the public meetings last week to discuss the proposition.
"There has been really good questions and interactions," Lewis said of the months following up to this point.
He also recognized Siebert and the work he put into organizing meetings for both sides of the issue to have discussions.
"We want people to vote on facts whether they are for or against it," Siebert said. "We don't want people voting on misinformation."
Six community members were in attendance, but no one spoke on either side of the proposition.
Committee members will meet at 4:30 this afternoon and Wednesday, March 28, at the high school. The public is invited to attend the meetings with any questions or concerns.
Summer school dates were approved and set by the board for May 22 through June 19.
The last day of school will be Wednesday, May 16. Siebert said high school teachers believed summer school attendance decreased with a larger gap between the two, so they would try moving the start date earlier this year.
Three options for the 2018-19 school calendar have been given to staff to look over and the board is expected to vote on a calendar during next month's meeting.
The board also approved to stay with medical insurance company Missouri Educators Unified Health Plan (MEUHP).
While the cost of the plans increased, the cost for the district will stay the same, but health savings account deposits will decrease.
The board discussed getting other insurance quotes, but said in the past, once leaving a company, it was hard to be accepted once again.
"It took us several years to get into MEUHP," said board member Donna Sue Ashcraft-Fincher.
During executive session, the board approved several new hires and a resignation.
Hired unanimously were Emily Hillis as a high school aide, Sarah Grisham as high school volleyball coach, Brittany Kelly as high school assistant volleyball coach, Emily Long as high school assistant softball coach as well as all non-tenure and tenure teachers for the 2018-19 school year.
David Crocket was hired as the high school girl's basketball coach in a 5-2 vote with board members David Dugger and Ashcraft-Fincher voting no.
A resignation was accepted from business teacher Denise Barker.
Closed session was adjourned and open session was re-entered. The meeting was then adjourned one minute later.
The next Twin Rivers R-X Board of Education meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 17, at the Central Office board room.