You can solve
city countil issue
It is amazing how many old adages seem to fit recent developments at City Hall. Perhaps you can think of others, but the following come immediately to my mind:
A. You can't fight City Hall
B. Follow the money, honey
C. Vote the bums out
D. All of the above!
The citizens seem powerless when met by the back-room deals, hidden agendas, and specious reasoning of four of the current council members whose palms apparently have been greased already. Probably can't prove collusion, but if it looks like graft, smells like graft, feels like graft-it probably is not a duck.
Remember, graft, as understood in American English, is a form of political corruption evidenced in the unscrupulous use of political authority for personal gain or private interest.
These four have represented themselves as knowing what is in the best interest of this community because a block of uninformed voters elected them to the council after hearing their various commitments guaranteeing transparency, honesty and integrity in city government.
When these four have screwed the rest of us with 8 million-plus debt, added to the traffic problems on Barron Road, given up tax income for the city on that piece of junk, and remain clueless to ultimate cost, we do have recourse. The continued "service" of each of these hypocrites will be determined at the ballot box. Remember who they are: Susan McVey, Ron Black, Philip Crocker and Steve Davis.
The citizens of this community deserve better.
PS: Bring back Peter Tinsley. This bunch makes him look like Albert Einstein.