To the Editor,
Well, it is time for a response to all the negative comments regarding our council's current endeavor. We all need to be reminded that we voted for our council members to make decisions on our behalf. We trust them to spend our money, to invest it wisely and most of all to help resolve the needs of our great city. Unfortunately, they are NOT PERFECT and will make mistakes and don't we all. The past is behind us and we can only move forward and not waste time looking back.
The news media has its place. They should be neutral in its reporting and not side with any decision that is vital to our community. We see too much of this happening on a larger scale with our trusted leaders. This type of activity that has taken place just turns us away as readers and as a result we so tire of the negativity that has been so evident. Lately, it has been no holds bar. We don't want to read it anymore. We have seen this in the past with other issues as well. At present, we choose not to be divided by the decision of whether the police department stays downtown or not. We as a majority and I mean majority are fine with the present course of our city council vote. Again, our council members were chosen to do their job and this is THEIR job and does not belong to anyone else. They are the chosen seven and in the voting process, whatever the result, it should stand. As citizens, we ask that you STOP bickering please. Let the process resolve itself. Change is not always comfortable but it happens.
As to the question of finances, the city will and have always found a way to meet its financial needs. I would suggest that if any of the businesses here truly have a heartfelt concern, then they should be willing to step up and help defray the cost of renovation whether by donating their time or supplies. This should be done freely and not contingent upon the chosen location. Our city has always been there for these businesses and now it is time for them to invest in it.
Finally, we back the blue and our city offices. Our desire is that they have a safe environment to work out of and it doesn't matter whether it is DOWNTOWN, UPTOWN or just needs to be soon.
I am asking God to bless each council member and may you know that we as a community love and respect you. We trust your judgment and we stand behind you. We appreciate all that you have done and continue to do. We realize that your job is not easy and it can take a toll on your personal life. Please know that you are not alone. We stand with you! Thanks for your sacrifice and you have our continued support and may God bless.
Donna M. Moore
Poplar Bluff, Mo.