January 19, 2018

Superintendent Brad Hagood updated the Neelyville R-IV Board of Education during its monthly meeting Thursday evening on a proposition the Booster Club has to better engage the area and students with the school and athletic programs. The Booster Club is interested in getting a 11x7 foot videoboard to be placed in the high school gym...

Superintendent Brad Hagood updated the Neelyville R-IV Board of Education during its monthly meeting Thursday evening on a proposition the Booster Club has to better engage the area and students with the school and athletic programs.

The Booster Club is interested in getting a 11x7 foot videoboard to be placed in the high school gym.

Hagood said the videoboard would not only be used for sporting events, but could be used to post congratulations messages to seniors, broadcast plays, graduation and more.

"I'm intrigued more than anything," Hagood said of the piece of technology.

The videoboard, from Sportable Scoreboards of Murray, Ky., includes a camera, laptop and software needed, all under warranty.

Hagood and administration envisions a media club as a possibility in the future with the assistance of the videoboard.

The students would be able to interview fans, teachers of the month, students of the month and more for the proposed class.

Booster Club President Laura Hagood is also hoping future movie nights, drug and alcohol prevention activities and more would be a possibility in the future.

Hagood said the Booster Club is not asking the board or school district for anything but permission to pursue the videoboard.

To fund the videoboard, the Booster Club is in search of sponsorships for the $12,000 yearly price tag of the five year leased videoboard.

Hagood reported a meeting was held last week between the Booster Club and potential sponsors.

"It went well," Hagood said of the meeting.

Laura Hagood reported one business verbally committed to half the donation, but nothing is official at this time.

"I'm very optimistic we can get this done this year," she said.

Sponsorships are available by contacting Laura Hagood at 573-718-5050

Neelyville Curriculum Director Heather Wells presented the board with the district's end of course government test scores.

The district saw an increased score from 66 percent last year to 79 percent this year.

"We are very pleased with the scores," Wells said.

Neelyville High School Principal Justin Dobbins added scores over 75 percent are in a "good range."

No election for the Nellyville R-IV School Board will take place in April with two seats open and two candidates filing.

Originally filing were Board President John French, incumbent Gene Russom and Ronald Hover Jr.

On Tuesday, the final day of filing, French withdrew his name from the race saying he felt like it was his time to step back, with quality candidates running, to leave the board in a stable position.

Hagood reported to the board he is still in the process of working on the stage curtain and most recently the measurements of the vinyl curtains were taken.

Dobbins, Elementary Principal Aaron Burton and Assistant Elementary Principal Debra Parish all three reported attendance down in their buildings due to sickness before school being dismissed this past week because of weather.

The principals are hopeful everyone is able to recover during the days at home and ready to begin preparation for testing.

During executive session, the board voted to extend the contract of Hagood as superintendent until June 30, 2020 by a vote of 4-2.

Board members Jack Stull and Dean Fisher voted no due to not agreeing with extending multi-year contracts. Member Donna Akers was not present to vote.

"Brad is doing a wonderful job and the school is doing 100 percent right now," Stull said. "I have just always voted no on extended contracts."

Fisher echoed Stull's comments saying he personally has nothing against Hagood and believed he was doing a good job with the school and appreciates his work, but does not agree with multi-year contracts for administration.

The next Neelyville Board of Education meeting will be at 7 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 15 at the Central Office board room.
